(Zis iz ze adding I'm doing ok?)
Lily:*Looks around to see everyone not there and picks up a wooden spoon*
Lily:"Tsuyoku nareru riyuu wo shitta~Boku wo tsurete~SUSUME~!"
???:Nice singing!
Lily:Thank you Tanjiro!
Lily: .......... Wait! Tanjiro?!?!?*Turns to see the trio*
Tanjiro:Umm...How do you know my name?
Lily:Umm....The voice...?
Zenitsu:Tanjiro! Let's not get in her way!!! She might be a demon!!!
Lily:Hey! I-
Lily:*Turns to Inosuke* Inosuke!?! I ain't no demon you wild hog!!!
Inosuke:EXCUSE ME?!?!*Readies his blades*DON'T CALL ME A HOG!!!
Lily:Or else what?!?!*Tries not to make the flamethrower appear in her hands*
Tanjiro:*Headbutts his head*Inosuke! I'm so sorry about my friend's disrespectfulness!!! Pls forgive us!*Bows head and forcefully makes Inosuke's head bow*
Zenitsu:*Bows head*Pls don't punish us!
Lily:*Sighs*I forgive you but-
Harith:*Runs to Lily and hides behind her*Lily help me!!!
Harley:*Comes to Harith*C'mon Harith it's only for today.
Harith:Never!!! D:<
Lily:*Turns to Harley*What happened?
Harley:Yaomomo dared Harith to wear the outfit he wore the day I became his boyfriend and me to be your favorite boy with that from that show you watch but he doesn't want to do it. So wha-
Zenitsu:*Sits up*Woah woah woah! Hold it!
HariHar:*Looks at Zenitsu*What the-!
Lily:Zenitsu zip it-
Zenitsu:Let me get all the things that happened right now. Me and the rest of my friends fell in a portal,met a wolf girl with wings that isn't a demon who basically knows all our names,a jaguar like boy ran here with a human boy who states to be his boyfriend?!?! What kind of place is this?!?!
Tanjiro:*Sits up*Zenitsu! Their busy with something right now and you disturbed them!
Lily:*Annoyed*Ugh!!! Just go sit over there and stay quiet until I come back!!! *Has her dark aura*Got that....?
The two:*Scared and Nod*
Inosuke:Or what?!?!? Get punched by a damn girl lik you?! I ain't scared of a punch!
Harley:Uh oh......
Harith:You've done it this time...
Lily:*Grins and goes to him*Bold of you to assume I'll just punch you.............No............I'll...............just...........*Aura turns darker and a sword appears and points it at him* get a sword and just kill you and slice you to tiny tiny pieces of meat right now.................or...................just torture you in my chamber until you beg for mercy...................Which one do you want to do first Inosuke~?*Smiles evily*
Inosuke:*Now terrified at the change of aura*
Lily:Well...................Which one Inosuke~?

Random Mlbb,Mha/Bnha,and Ds/Kny
RandomI changed meh cover, title, and now the description. Well this is kinda cool and awesome :3 Ok enjoy ze book meh proud of ÙwÚ