That happened...

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(Ok I'mma add IrisBlue19 here cuz this is a thank you for her.Thank you!!!Ok,Onto the chapter!>:3)

*One afternoon*

Lily and Iris:*Reading wattpad on Lily's phone on the carpet*

Deku,Todoroki,Bakugou,Kirishima,Ochako,and Tsuyu:*Watching movies in the living room*

Sero,Aoyama,and Tokoyami:*Hanging out*

Mineta(The motherfaqing perv >:v):*Planning a way to you know what*

Ashido and Hagakure:*Planning to stop Mineta's plan*

Jirou,Momo,Shinso,and Denki:*Double date*

Other 1a students(Meh forgot ze names ok -3-):*Staying in their rooms doing whatever or in the pool swimming*

Harith and Harley:*Arguing*

Nana and Lylia:*Trying to stop the two*

Cyclops and Diggie(Both hooman form):*Cuddling with each other at the couch cuz they a thing-*

Alucard,Miya,Granger,Claude:*Also on a double date*

Lesley and Gusion:*Having a contest on who shots better in the backyard*

Wanwan:*Finding Ling to put him in a dress*

Ling:*Hiding in Harith's walk in closet praying Wanwan dosen't find him*

Hilda and Irithel: *Playing chess*

Jawhead,lil' Alice,Lolita,Chang'e,and Angela:*Playing Rescue the princess which Jawhead is ze princess*

Dyrroth and Silvanna:*Chatting about what's happening between them*

Helcurt,Selena,and Khufra:*Arguing on who is Alice's favorite general*

The other heroes(MEH NEW AT ML OK!!!MEH DON'T KNOW ALL ZE HEROS T^T. Don't hate meh pls):*Either chatting at the balcony,playing monopoly,uno,chess,checkers,having a picnic in the forest nearby,swimming in the lake Harith found,or staying in their rooms doing whatever*

*A portal appears on top of Cyclops and Diggie and before they could react a cat girl with devil wings and wolf boy fall down on top of them*

Cycgie(Hush I ship it >:3):What the-

*The two strangers gets off of them and apologizes*

The boy:Where are we anyway?*Looks around*

The girl:*Looks around and spots Lily*Lily!!!*Tackles her with a hug*

Lily:*Nearly drops her phone but Iris got the phone before it hit the ground*Vienny?!?!?*Looks at the boy*Meeko!?!?!How did you guys get here!??!

Meeko:*Looks at Lily and walks up to her*We were on a walk and a portal appeared under us and we got sucked and now we're here,By the way what is this place?And why is Cyclops and Diggie cuddling eachother?!?!*Points at the two who were offended*

Lily:Welcome to the Mlbb and Mha/Bnha base.Where gay and yaoi is legal.Enjoy your stay here Oh!And also,yeah Hilda is here and I think she's playing chess in the backyard with Irithel.

Meeko:Sweet!*Runs to a random direction and comes back*Umm...Where's it?

Harith:*Notices Meeko's troubles and holds Harley's mouth to stay quiet to explain where's the backyard*Down that hall*Points to the hall*and once you see a slide door,you're there.

Meeko:Awesome thanks Harith!*Runs down the hall*

Nana:Wait!How-And he's gone.

Lylia:*Turns to Lily*So who were those two people Lily?And how does he know Harith,Cyclops, and Diggie?

Lily:*Stands up and lets go of Vienny*The wolf boy is my big brother,Meeko,and he's a ml player like me only he's level 19 while I'm level 11.His main is Hilda.

Lily:And this little nugget*Squishes her cheek*is Vienny,my cute little cousin,she may look like a devil but she ain't a devil and she's not a ml player,atleast not yet.*Lets go of cheek*

Vienny:*Notices Nana's molina*Can I pet her or him?*Points at molina*

Nana:Sure,you can pet him.*Walks closer*

Vienny:*Pet his ears and her eyes start to sparkle*So soft...

Iris:Here's your phone Lily*Hand her phone*

Lily:*Takes phone*Thanks Iris

*Suddenly Ling runs downstairs and away from Wanwan*

Ling:Help me!!!

Wanwan:The tiger has found her pray!!!*Running to Ling while carrying a dress*

Deku,Todoroki,Ochako,Tsuyu:*Barely trying to hold their laughter*

Bakugou:*Laughing like a maniac*


Everyone else except Vienny:*Laughing*

Lily:*Recording everything while laughing*

Iris:*Laughing and wheezing too much**Holds onto Lily*Help...I......can't......breath!*Laughing*

Vienny:*Turns to Harley who is still laughing*Umm...Is this normal?*Points at Ling and Wanwan*

Harley:*Still laughing*When it's in here it's normal you get used to it.

Vienny:Ok..?*Look at them again only this time she giggled**Giggling now turns to Laughing*I think I get why you make this normal!*Continues to laugh*

~Ling:HALP MEH!!!!T^T

Time to tag ze people cuz they close with Iris! -3-


Ok that's all bye!!!

Edit:I accidentally pressed Jason's wattpad account.Sorry for those who saw that.

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