Harley:*Talking to Harith and Dyrroth about what's happened to Lesley and Fanny*
Harith:So that's why Fanny was eating all the spicy foods at once!
Dyrroth:And she had to stay in the hospital for 3 days.
Lily:*Runs to them and hugs Harith tight*
Harith:Gah! Lily! You're hugging me alitte too tight....
Lily:I'm not letting you go!! >:^
Harley:Why are you hugging Harith tightly?
Dyrroth:And it better be good.
Lily:It's because of dis!
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Some of the skins come to life at this point and if that skin comes to life then Harith is in danger!
Harith:*Gets out of the hug* Ok that's ridiculous! There's no way that that's real! Name one time a skin has come to life?
Lily:Dyrroth's KOF skin came to life and flirted with you THEN Harley's V.E.N.O.M. skin came the next day and nearly kidnapped the real Harley! You were there at the time!
Dyrroth:Wait. WHAT?!?!?
Harith:Ok. I admit that. But those are the ONLY skins that came to life!
Evil Harith:*Goes behind Harith* Think again kitty.....
Harith:*Turns around* WHAT THE- *Knocked out*
Evil Harith:Heh...Got him. *Carries Harith and was about to escape until a star nearly hits him*
Harley:Let him go!
Evil Harith:*Sarcastic* Or what? Get hit by another one of you're stars?
Harley:No. But.....*Points to his left and right*
Dyrroth:*Ready to attack*
Lily:*Readies her shotgun*
Harley:They'll hunt you down.
Dyrroth:You better pray for mercy once we chase you........
Lily:*Her dark aura appears and her eyepatch fall down* You may be him.............But you don't act like him...........
Both:NOW LET HIM GO!!! *Runs to evil Harith*
Evil Harith:HOLY SH**! *Chrono dashes away while carrying Harith*
Harley:Welp that happened.....
Meeko:*Walks in* Umm...aren't you going to rescue your boyfriend,Harith,with Lily and your boyfriend,Dyrroth?
Harley: ...........Sh**! Right! *Runs to find Lily and Dyrroth*
~Here's what Lily look like without her eyepatch and what she does when you try and murder or kidnap the ones she loves.
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