Chapter 7

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"You look way too happy," Caroline said. Emma was shuffling around a few papers, and George had just left.

"What is it?" she asked eagerly. "Was it...?," Caroline dropped her voice dramatically. "...the kiss?"

Emma's smile simply grew bigger.

"Oh, my god!" Caroline squealed. "About time,"

Emma sent her a playful glare as Caroline giggled.

"Look at you blushing," Caroline cooed. "You are in love, aren't you, darling?"

"Oh, shut up," Emma said extremely flustered.

"You are!"

"It's not love!"


"You know what?" George said pointing at the hills. "Let me take you to the Burrow, then you can see it all. Mum would take you in, no troubles. She does it every so often. I don't even know how many people are staying there,"

"Burrow?" Emma said confused.

"Yeah, that's what our house is called," George said, making their way towards the hills.

"There are a few wizarding families around here," he said. "The Fawcetts, the Diggorys. The Lovegoods, and then us,"

"Right," Emma said nodding uncertainly, as doubt crept up her mind.

Was he really making it all up? Or did it actually exist?

Because the more seconds passed, the more real it seemed.

She had stayed up all last night, thinking. And the story that he told her didn't slip her mind. 

"The joke has grown old, George," Emma said disapprovingly.

"It's not a joke," George said simply, going uphill. "It's not much of a climb. You'll see it soon enough,"

"See what?" Emma said, trying hard to keep the contempt out of her voice.

"The Burrow, o'course," George huffed. 

Emma rolled her eyes as she followed him. She might humour him for a bit more. 

"Ah, here we are!" George said brightly after a while of walking. "See that fence? Muggles can't see it. Just step beyond that and you'll see the Burrow,"

Emma frowned. See what? And what fence?

"Mum will be glad to meet you," George said. "Dad would be at work. You can meet Ginny though. There is Fluer, Bill's fiance. Ginny doesn't fancy her much,"

He walked towards what seemed like a patch of dry land and placed his hand on something, but Emma couldn't see it. It seemed as though his hand was in mid-air.

"C'mon, now," he said and raised his leg.

And the next second he vanished.

Emma gaped, wide-eyed. 

Did he just—?

"Oh, my god," she breathed, taking a step back, positively alarmed.

Then she saw George's head appear out of nowhere, followed by the rest of him.

"C'mon," he said. "Don't just stay standing there,"

"No," Emma managed to gasp.

"What?" he said, his face falling slightly. 

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