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It had been quite long since she was in the city. London was the same as she remembered, not much seemed to change in the last three years.

She thanked the barista behind the counter and exited the coffee shop with her coffee.

Emma Sallow, twenty years old, had come back to London for a few reasons. She wanted to start out new, catch up on all that she had left behind. 

She had spoken to the Director of a publishing firm, just two hours ago. The man was a friend of her uncle's and she was almost certain that she would get a contract with them, and then she could publish her book. 

She was now on her way to visit her parent's graves. And she should start looking for better lodging options. And she also needed to find herself a part-time job, to keep up with her expenses. She couldn't just depend on what was left in her bank account. She better start saving up and coming up with budgets now.

She was looking for a quiet book store as the first option. A library would be fine too, or a paper store. She had also given out applications for the position of an editor in a few publishing firms. Hopefully, she'd get in, and she would be able to settle down in peace.

She remembered, two years ago, she was moping around, slowly losing hope and on the verge of giving up her dreams, when a  stranger walked into her uncle's little paper shop.

She didn't recollect much, but there were a few things that he had said, which stayed fresh in her mind. An odd inspiration really. But those simple words were what gave her the energy to try again, start over.

She didn't know much about the redhead, except that he had an identical twin, and that they were magicians. 

He did show her a few interesting Magic Tricks...

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