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Draco's pov

Instant silence fell as we heard the scream. Tension was building in the pitch black room, nobody daring to move a muscle as it was unclear what exactly was going on.

The light flicked back on.

A pale man with greasy black hair and black robes was seen in the common room entrance holding a girl up by her collar with his right hand.

"Shouldn't you all be in bed, after hours." Snape murmured coldly, his pale face had no emotion or if he did have any he hid it awfully well.

His head started to turn side to side slowly as if searching for someone, and finally his eyes met mine. Snape was a death eater and I'm the only one that knows his allegiance never left the dark lord, or at least that's what my father told me.

"Draco, come." Snape let go of his hand and the Gryffindor fell to her knees shaking. weak little girl.

I trudged through the crowd of shocked and clueless wizards and started following Snape, our destination was unknown but I stayed curious nevertheless. What could he possibly need me for?

Not a word was said as I hurried behind Snape leading to his office. Whatever he wanted must be private and confidential. I could feel my nerves rising but never show it Draco, do not show weakness.

"Close the door behind you boy." He spat and sat himself down behind his desk scribbling something down on a piece of parchment.

"Sir what do you-" I started, hoping for answers but Snape cut me off.
"You do not speak unless spoken to." he barked at me, his eyes still cold and empty as they always were. Pieces of his dark greasy hair kept getting in the way of his eyesight and I could tell he was getting more and more frustrated with whatever was going on in his head and what he was scribbling on the parchment.

"Draco I have summoned you because your father has assigned you a new task." Snape did not lift his head to look at me but instead kept scribbling, that must be a long letter.
"What is it sir?" Whatever my father has assigned me it cannot be worse than the one I have now. 

"He needs you to become intimate with the girl Draco." 

For fucks sake

"If I may ask sir-" He cut me off again which caused my fists to form. I hate being interrupted.

"You may not ask, the message has been delivered now leave." His voice stern and serious, he needs me to get out but I don't. 

"What does he mean to get intimate? In what way, how close do I have to get to her?" I question him not wanting to face reality of what needs to be done.

"As close as you can, do whatever it takes. It's important now leave." I did not dare stay any longer because if I did there is no telling what Snape would threaten me with.

Why do I have to get closer to Dolohov than I already am? Why the hell is that stupid girl so important anyway. She's nothing but a weak little slut, yeah that's what she is.

The dungeon was full of disappointed Slytherins, not disappointed because the party was over but because Snape got to crash it instead of them. They had been planning on crashing that party for weeks now. They're all idiots that have nothing better to do with their time.

The overall attitude in the common room was a dull so I thought that I'd just go back to my dorm, anywhere but here. 

"Hi Drakey,"
Pansy whispered as I opened the door to my room. She lay on my bed wearing green lingerie trying to look as seductive as she possibly could. Her trying so hard was unattractive on its own.

"Pansy get the fuck out of my room." I have no patience for her neediness tonight besides she isn't even my type but she likes to believe that she is. 

"Aw come on Draco.. have some fun with me," She got up on all fours and started to crawl over across the bed making her way over to me and pulling my shirt.

"Pansy, you practically poisoned Ria." This angered me because it was my mission to protect her for my father, Ria being poisoned doesn't exactly scream protection.

She heard me say this and instantly sat up, annoyance radiating around her," So what, not like you care about her." Her words processed in my mind for a few minutes.

"you're right." I admit,

She pulled me down onto the bed and our lips connected, hers full of lust and mine empty. There was no connection but I'm angry and what other way to take it out on than angry sex.


Hard to get  ||Draco Malfoy|| *Mature audience*Where stories live. Discover now