T h i r t e e n

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"Taking your mind off things,"

The blond headed boy dropped his shirt onto the floor and was now concentrated on the unsure look on Ria's face.


She started but he interrupted her.

"If you don't want to we don't have to of course."

Ria knew what Draco was implying to do to take her mind off of everything, but it seemed so off even for him. Was he offering to do this because he wanted to be with her or because he's just bored?

"What if somebody hears us?" Ria asked this because she could not think about the disappointed and embarrassed faces on her parents having heard her and Draco be together.

"Do you seriously think my father would build a mansion and not make the rooms sound proof?" Draco smirked at this, he hated his father.

She contemplated his offer, she knew she wanted it, she wanted him.

Yet she didn't know if he wanted her.

"I don't think i'm up for this right now," embarrassed Ria got up and left his room, leaving him standing there undoubtedly angry at her having wasted his time.

Ria hadn't slept much that night.

She spent most of it over-thinking and worrying about minor situations and scenarios that had nothing to do with her life now but still haunted her.

Morning crept up slowly and she dreaded the thought of getting up and facing everybody especially Draco after last night. She had high hopes though that he would keep the nice attitude however nice it was.

Ria had to get ready relatively quick since she slept in a bit, exhausted from her lack of sleep.
She chose to wear a green sweater and some black trousers, she had to keep it slightly classy.

If it were truly up to her she would have went down in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie.

Ria's steps echoed through the silence of the hall where the morning sun shone through the glass and around her lighting the whole surrounding area.

The closer she got downstairs, the louder the booming voices became. Her parents were having a row.

"She isn't ready yet!" Ria's mother bellowed at the raging Antonin who had his head in his hands, obviously aggravated.

Her father stayed quiet so her mother continued.

"You've been locked away in Azkaban all these years who do you think you are to decide what is right for her now? I raised her not you. Our poor girl isn't ready for this commitment to the dark lord."

Ria scoffed, she had practically raised herself.

The dark mark.

"Don't you realise? It's too late for Ria now. It's her fate." Antonin got up and wrapped his arms around his distraught wife. "You must not cry now my love, it will be over soon and by the end of the day she will be one of us."

Hearing those words made something click in Ria's head. By the end of the day she will no longer have her own freedom. She will be bound with a mark to serve the dark lord and nothing she could do now would stop it.

Not wanting to hear anymore of her parents conversation, Ria made her way upstairs yet again to Draco's room to discuss what she had just overheard, although she had a feeling he knew already.


No answer

*knock knock*

No answer


The door finally swung open to reveal Draco. The bags under his eyes showed to her that Draco hadn't slept at all either.

Ria shoved through him into the room and gave him a signal to shut the door.

"Did you know about today?" Ria asked him with wide eyes, he was shirtless and had just been woken up by the knocking sounds.

Draco wiped his eyes and ran his fingertips through his hair. "What about it?"

She cleared her throat before she spoke again, Ria was getting nervous. "The mark- the dark mark are we getting that thing today?"

A moment of silence

He already knew, but at this point he had already accepted it. "Yeah."

It seemed as though everybody knew but her. Ria couldn't believe it.

"Ok well good to know thanks for that." Ria started towards the door but Draco's arm got in her path.

"You are to stay with me." He sounded un-amused,
"Malfoy let go." She snapped back and attempted once more to exit but once again, she was interrupted.

"I'm not supposed to let you dally around the castle unsupervised." Draco whispered into her ear as he pulled her slightly closer and then pushed her back away from the door in one quick motion.

"Well then Supervise me." Ria shouted back sarcastically, but she wished she hadn't said anything at all.

Draco grabbed Ria by her wrists and lifted her hands up in the air. With each step he took forward, he pushed her backwards towards the wall where soon she was pressed up against and had no way of escaping.

"You're going to wish you never met me, you know that?" He looked her dead in the eyes. There was no emotion in his eyes, just an abyss of grey that was somehow so enticing she couldn't look away.

"Oh yeah?" Ria mumbled back, she was brave to do so and she knew it would rile him up but not once did she glance away from his stare.

That was his breaking point, a slight smirk appeared on his face.

"You want me."

She could feel her cheeks slowly turning red.

"Do not." 

Ria said it in the most casual manner possible, but how casual can you be when you're basically breathing Draco Malfoy's air?

"Come on Dolohov, you make it so painfully obvious."

Whatever trance she was in was gone the second he had said her Maiden name.
"Don't call me that."

Draco threw her a playful wink, he finds pleasure in her discomfort.
"How about I call you doll instead?"

Draco slowly started to lean into her neck, slowly starting to place gentle kisses onto her skin.
Ria let out a slight moan to his actions that she had anticipated. The whole ordeal was exciting and new.

"I think Doll sounds good"
At first he was gentle but getting impatient, he started getting aggressive and made sure to mark her as his.

The grip on her wrists was still as strong as ever and Ria's breaths started to get more heavy. "I want my clothes off." She whispered into Draco's ear,"Your wish is my command".

His hands let go of her delicate wrists and quickly started to undress the girl in front of him. He had been waiting for this moment and so had she.

When Ria was only left in her bra and panties, Draco admired the view. She knew he enjoyed it, and she relished the look on his face when she dropped down to her knees to pleasure him furthermore.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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