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"My name is Tom, Tom Riddle."

Ria stayed stationary, she hadn't moved a muscle scared to death that if she did something bad would happen.
"How is this possible, you're Voldemort. Tom Riddle is Voldemort?" 

Tom exchanged her a satisfactory look and sighed, as if she should know better.

"I'm not real." His words slipped off his tongue and it was as if they went in one ear and out the other, Ria was in total shock.

"Um- wait  What do you mean you aren't real?", This whole situation was entirely overwhelming it was at the point where Ria was wondering if this was all a dream or if she had accidentally slipped something into her own drink, or simply if she had just gone mad.

"I'm apart of your imagination Ria." Tom explained as if this wasn't already the most obvious thing. "We have a very special connection that most of my supporters would kill to achieve, you should be proud of obtaining it." 

Tom's voice was calm yet suspicious,unlike Ria was speaking to a younger form of the dark lord that claims they have a connection and she is anything other than calm.

"What does this mean?" She spoke shakily trying to sound convincing that she wasn't consumed by fright at this very moment. "It means you are worthy, Worthy to be a faithful subject to my empire. Since Bellatrix has found herself in complicated situations it is seen that I need a replacement." 

It was as if the whole world had gone dark around Ria, no light to be seen ahead. The oxygen in her lungs seemed scarce as her breathing rapidly increased in Panic, So many thoughts an questions swirled around in her mind it was all about to become too much.

"What do you say?" Tom slowly stood up from his seat and took several steps forward but something was off, in the most strange way his face started twitching until he transformed into the dreadful dark lord in his current form.

A gasp was all that escaped Ria's lips before she was brought back to reality, she was seated in front of Draco who's eyes still remained shut.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Surely it was a nightmare, nothing more than a bad dream.

Nothing to be scared of.


The rest of the journey to the Malfoy Maor was a blur, Ria hadn't told Draco about her hallucination as she felt it wasn't worth the mention. Besides he would probably tell her to shut up and move on with his day.

The best thing for Ria right now was to forget about the whole thing and focus on the present circumstances. She was about to step into the household where her parents along with Lucius and Narcissa were waiting patiently. 

Draco had informed her that her things had already been brought up to her room, which was good because it was one less thing to worry about.

Draco knocked on the large doors that seemed secure, despite the rumours the Malfoy home actually looked quite pleasant. The garden was well taken care of and it was filled with dead white roses that would bloom in the spring.

Ria patted down her dress ensuring she looked presentable and elegant in order to make a point that she was well put together, even if she wasn't. "How do I look?" Ria's sights rolled up to look at Draco who was impatiently tapping his foot waiting for someone to open the door to let the freezing couple in.

His head twisted around to face her and he looked her up and down quickly, "You look the same as you did an hour ago," he snarled and once again knocked on the door this time with more force.

His lips visibly formed a line in annoyance at his ignorant parents that wouldn't let him in.
"Maybe they aren't here." Ria suggested hopefully as she turned and let herself fall back to lean against the wall.

"Bullshit there's always someone home, Father's just being difficult as always." His voice was raising word by word and it was about time that his temper would break, he started pounding on the wooden doors once again before suddenly they opened and Draco stumbled in not expecting the sudden entry.

A thin young woman stood at the door, her long dark hair was in curls that suited her perfectly. Her eyes twinkled in an emotionless wave and her red lipstick ever so slightly smudged.

Ria's mother stood in the doorway forcing a comforting smile to her daughter whom she had left those few weeks ago stray in her dorm. As soon as she seen her mother Ria embraced her in a loving hug, one that she had been longing for.

"My sweet daughter," Leah whispered into Ria's hair as they had reconnected. 

Leah wore a nice long emerald green dress that met the floor, that shade was her favourite as Ria had remembered.

Slowly Ria had to force herself to pull away from her mother, she noticed the dark mark that she had witnessed her mother obtain. She was a faithful subject to the dark lord and Ria knew sooner or later that it would be her fate also, as much as she dreaded the thought of it.

"Is dad here?" Ria asked shakily, she wasn't prepared to meet her parents again but here they were. Who knew the dark lord would be the soul to keep them together, but everyone knows he doesn't have a soul. Sooner or later they will fade away from each other.

"He's in the dining room with everyone else, come join us." Leah forced another smiled and directed the two into the dining room where Lucius and her father were in deep discussion.

It took a few seconds for Antonin to realise that his daughter had entered the room, she stood blankly staring at him and Lucius, terrified not to make a wrong move.

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