Faceclaims/Beginning Notes

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Clay // Vocals + Lead Guitar

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Clay // Vocals + Lead Guitar

George // Bass + Backing Vocals

Nick // Drums


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Myra // Vocals + Lead Guitar

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Myra // Vocals + Lead Guitar



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Hello everyone!

I'm sure you're all very excited to get into the next installment of the sort of series (can I call it a series if I'm just working through the MCYT community one at a time?), but before we get into it I always have to thank you for the support and the interest in what I'm writing, it makes me smile every time I check my phone.

This one is going to be of a similar strain to Tacenda - not in the fantasy sense, but in the AU sense - I just want a Dream Team band, you know? Who doesn't love a good rockstar/band AU?

Also, can I get some appreciation for the ~epic~ graphic design on this one? (lmao I know the tour poster looks bad but I'm proud of the albums; I really tried to capture Dream's terrible graphic design sense in his).

Enough of my rambling though, I have a book to write! And you have a book to read!

AT LEAST IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU // Dream X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now