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The roof became your own little bubble against the outside world - the sun sank under the horizon and you curled into Clay's arms, letting him run a hand over your head, sifting his fingers through your hair as you watched the sky. You talked for a while - about the songs that you'd written, and how stupid you'd been - but you soon found yourself getting drowsy. You understood what Myra had meant those weeks ago when she had fallen asleep out here with Nick - there really was just something about dozing off under the stars. 

Clay's fingers kept running over your scalp, and you leaned into the touch. "You still awake?"

You hummed, rolling over so that you could press your face into his chest. "Barely."

"Do you want to go down to bed?" He asked, resting his chin on top of your forehead. A warm tingly feeling rushed through you at the action and you stifled a smile. 

"Not really." You said, letting out a breathy sigh. "This is nice."

You could feel Clay's breath as he let out a laugh, tracing up and down your spine with a few fingers. Even relaxed, he was in constant motion, mapping out each knob in your spine, tracing over each rib. You didn't mind though - there was something comforting about it, and it was still a novelty that you were allowed to have this, whatever it was.

Unfortunately, it was interrupted when you felt the bus move, a telltale sign of someone coming up the ladder. You felt Clay move - pushing himself up and away so that he could see who was coming. Half asleep, you frowned, grabbing onto one of his forearms, trying to tug him back to you. 

"Yo, Clay, Y/N, you still up there?" 

Nick's voice floated up, and soon enough his head peeked over the top of the ladder. You could see the moment his eyes locked onto you and Clay - still partially cuddled up together - and the wheels turn in his head processing. He blinked once before breaking out into a large grin, eyebrows shooting up into his hairline. 

"Fucking finally." He said, resting his arms on top of the bus. "Anyway, George and I want chicken nuggets so we were all going on a food run, do you guys wanna come?"

Clay looked to you, and you slowly pushed yourself back up into a sitting position, rubbing the drowsiness from your eyes. "Yeah." You said. "Food sounds good."

"Dope." Nick said. "We're leaving in like five." With that, he disappeared back down the ladder, still with that knowing grin on his face. 

As soon as he was gone, Clay sighed. "He's going to give me so much shit for all the shit I gave him about Myra-"

"What's wrong with Myra?" You asked.

Clay pushed himself up off the roof of the bus, holding a hand down to help you up as well. "Literally nothing, that's the problem. She and Nick are perfect for each other, and he was the first one to get a girlfriend out of us." He said, starting over to the ladder. "I guess it's only fair that I get some shit back though. And it's well worth it." He said as he started down the ladder, tossing a wink in your direction. 

You followed after him, pretending like your face wasn't on fire. Hopefully, you would get used to comments like that soon, and you wouldn't have to take a minute to clear your head every time. The affect this man had on you was unreal.

You jumped off at the last few rungs, landing on your feet next to Clay. He glanced over at you for a second, smiling. 

"What?" You asked. 

He shrugged, sliding his hands into his pockets. "Nothing."

"Really, what?" You asked again. 

Clay glanced over to you. "I'm not allowed to just look?"

"Urgh, you guys are already disgustingly cute."

You turned to see Myra stepping out of your bus, wearing her favorite pair of plaid pajama bottoms. There was a twinkle in her eye as she closed the door behind her, something you recognized from years of growing up together - she was proud of you, and genuinely happy.

Clay rolled his eyes. "Like you and Nick don't do the same damn thing-"

"We don't!" Nick said, coming out of his bus, tucking his wallet into the pocket of his sweatshirt.

"You definitely do." George said as he followed him out, letting the door to the bus swing shut behind him.

The argument about who was worse (or going to be, in yours and Clay's case) lasted throughout the trek to the nearest fast food place, and you couldn't stop smiling the whole time. This was so much different than any relationship you'd had before, and you'd only been in it for a few hours at most. There was no speculation or gossip like their had been in high school - no jealousy, only acceptance. Everyone was already making jokes, like this hadn't been a recent development. No one blinked an eye when Clay reached out to lace your fingers together, swinging your conjoined hands as you walked. 

It was nice. 

You were allowed to tug on his hand until he leaned down so you could whisper a joke in his ear. You were allowed to watch as he laughed, committing his smile to memory. The feels were still new, but the easy familiarity was old - it felt like tension had finally been resolved, and you were loving it.

Clay swung your interlaced hands like a pendulum, towards George, who walked in front of you, and then towards Nick and Myra, who walked behind you. The stars twinkled overhead, and cars whizzed past, pouring snippets of music out from open windows. 

"The moon looks nice tonight." Clay said, looking up at the sky. 

You tipped your head back, finding the sliver of white in the sky easily. It was bright and noticeable against the L.A. sky, and looked almost like the sky was smiling down at you.

"Yeah, it is." You agreed, squeezing his hand lightly, and smiling when he squeezed back.

AT LEAST IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU // Dream X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now