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It only took another day to get to Dallas for the show after fourth of July. Of course, you weren't awake for most of the ride as you had spent the night lighting off fireworks in that empty field, but it was nice that you were finally getting used to sleeping while the bus was moving, and you wouldn't have been doing much during the drive anyway. 

You had already added as much to your journal as you could think of - rambling about the stars and Clay and how the fire flashed in his eyes when you'd lit off a bottle rocket. How he'd grabbed your hand to press the lighter into your palm so easily (although maybe that one was just you being touch starved). 

Still, Dallas was nice, and you found your place in the scaffolding for the show. 

Myra ended up keeping the death drop in the show. When she did it again on the stage, the crowd went wild, screaming and cheering as she hopped back up to her feet, a wide smile on her face. You added your voice to the mix, whooping and clapping. 

"Thank you Dallas!" Myra shouted, waving to the crowd. "You all are absolutely amazing! I have one more surprise left for you though..."

You leaned forward, confused. Usually, at this point in the show, Myra would pass the torch along to Clay and the others and duck backstage to watch the rest of the show. It didn't seem like she was going to be leaving anytime soon though.

You were even more surprised when a steady drum beat started up, and the panel that usually brought the Dream Team up through the floor began to raise, revealing Nick and George. As George began to play, you recognized the beginning of the song - it was one from Myra's older album, and a song that she had done with another artist (some smaller musician named BadBoyHalo). You were confused why they were starting to play a duet, until a spotlight turned on, illuminating Clay on the other side of the stadium as he began to sing. 

The crowd went absolutely insane, and you joined in, cheering as a rig lifted Clay across the crowd and dropped him back on the stage next to Myra. It was a little different to hear this song sung by someone else rather than just Myra and BadBoyHalo, but Clay's voice fit the part in your opinion... though your opinion might have been slightly biased. 

You paint the world in sunset shades... I would sit here with you for decades...

On stage, Clay dropped down on one knee in front of Myra, crooning the lyrics to her. From where you were sitting, you could see Myra laugh, turning away to start her verse in the song, dancing down the stage towards Nick. 

You watched as Clay stood up fully, going to dance seductively around George while Myra serenaded Nick, laughing as George had to take a step away, trying to focus on playing. The excited concert buzz that was resting under your fingertips turned into butterflies, watching him sing and dance. 

Clay singing a love song - a duet, nonetheless - was both great and terrible. Great, because he sounded amazing, and just hearing him say such romantic things (even if it was just the song) was making the butterflies in your stomach do back flips. Terrible, because hearing him say such romantic things (it was just the song, just the song) was getting your hopes up for absolutely no reason. 

And there's nothing left to say anymore...

Myra finished the bridge and danced back up to Clay near the front of the stage so they could sing the chorus together, dancing as they did. It was almost like a mirror as they faced each other - Clay would lean to the left and Myra would lean to the right. They clasped hands and spun around each other.

You know I'm falling for you...

Your heart leapt into your throat as Clay pointed right at you, lingering for a moment before the song moved along, and so did the choreography. There was no way that was on purpose, right? You replayed the moment in your head - Myra had been pointing mirror to Clay, to the other side of the set. It was probably just part of the choreography for this song...

But what a coincidence, jesus.

That he would sing that line and point directly to where you were sitting - where you always sat for the shows. It brought your mind back to the Instagram caption - when you know, you know. Did he know? It had seemed to vague at the time to be in reference to anything specific, but now, after that...

He probably knew. Your stomach sunk at the thought - what a summer, to get rejected by a rockstar. 

Though... if he knew, why hadn't he said anything about it? And why had he singled you out on that line? Why you know I'm falling for you?

You rubbed at your temples - this was making your brain hurt. It was just like Clay to be all cryptic though - you had seen enough of his album releases to know that he was an expert at crafting puzzles hiding dates in the backgrounds of promotional photos, coding blog posts with secret messages... if he was trying to say something to you with this, you were going to have to do some brainwork.

Myra and Clay finished the song and the crowd cheered as Myra took her final bow handing off the stage to the Dream Team and ducking back behind the set. You barely noticed as she clambered up next to you, a wide smile on her face. 

"So?" Myra asked. "What did you think?"

"It was great." You said. "Um. You guys have a nice harmony."

Myra grinned. "Thanks. Clay thinks we shoulder record that one together, and I'm starting to think we should to. I told him if he wanted, he could put it out as a single on his..."

You tuned out of the conversation, still feeling the butterflies in your stomach from when Clay had pointed at you during the song.

AT LEAST IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU // Dream X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now