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They looked exactly how they did in all the promotional photos. 

The first person that walked in was Nick, the drummer. You were used to seeing him with a bandanna wrapped around his forehead but you still recognized him immediately by the broad shoulders and scruffy beard. He flopped on the couch that didn't have your bags on it as soon as he stepped inside, raising one hand to you in greeting and then continuing to look around, taking in all the details. 

Next was George - the bassist and the only member from across the pond. He was shorter than Nick, and smaller. There was this boyish quality to him that made him seem all the younger too - maybe it was that he was clean shaven where Nick wasn't, or that his smile was wide and unabashed. He settled against one of the walls and nodded to you, quietly taking in the scenery.

The last one in was Dream himself - or at least you assumed it was. No one had ever seen his face before, as he always preformed with a mask on and covered it for the album covers. He was taller than both Nick and George, and had to duck when he stepped onto the bus. When he did look up, you caught his gaze, quickly taking in sandy blonde hair and swirling hazel eyes (they looked green in the bus's LED lighting). There were a few sun freckles scattered across his cheeks, and when he smiled you found yourself caught in the pull. 

"Hi." He said, holding out a hand for you to shake. "I'm Clay."

Clay. His real person name. You shook his hand, introducing yourself as well. "Y/N."

Myra closed the door behind her as she stepped onto the bus. "Y/N was the one I surprised with the pass." She explained. Clay's eyebrows raised in recognition - Myra must have told them about her little surprise plan. 

Clay turned back to you. "So you're coming on tour with us."

"Yeah." You said, still a little in awe. You were seeing his face. His real face that none of the fans had ever seen before. And he had shook your hand. And you knew his real person name. 

"That's awesome." Clay grinned. "It's going to be such a fun summer, I'm so excited to get on the road."

From the couch, Nick snorted. "I'm sure you are. You got the single bunk."

George wrinkled his nose. "What's so bad about the double? It's not like we're in the same bed, I'm just in the bunk on top of you-"

"Yeah but you move a lot in your sleep." Nick complained. "It's going to be super annoying when I'm trying to fall asleep and you're being all wiggly and noisy and like, what if you roll out of bed and land on top of me?"

George huffed and Clay laughed, reaching over to knock Nick on the side of the head playfully. In the back of your mind you had known they were real people, but there was a difference between liking their music and following them on Instagram and seeing them in front of you, interacting as a band and laughing and smiling.

"You guys have a way cooler bus than us." Nick said. "I bet you both got single bunks-"

"Yeah, and there's only two of them, idiot." George snickered. "Of course they both get single bunks."

The people in front of you were painfully real, and you were going to spend a whole summer with them.

Your eyes found Dream- Clay, now - again. It was strange to be seeing all of him, when you and the rest of the internet had only see what he allowed before, but he didn't seem all that uncomfortable. You had always assumed that he wore the mask because he didn't want people to look at him, but there was no trace of anxiety or insecurity in his stance. He seemed perfectly confident and in control. Perhaps the mask was for another reason then, some publicity thing to keep people interested. If so, it was working. 

"You did pick out really neat decorations though." Clay said. "Did you match your album cover on purpose?"

"Perhaps." Myra said, sliding down onto the couch next to Nick. 

Clay grinned. "Well, it looks good." He slid his hands into the pockets of his sweatshirt. "Hey, do you guys want to come get dinner with us tonight? We were going to go to that one sushi place a couple blocks from here, just to treat ourselves before the tour starts, you know."

Myra looked to you, and you looked down at the bags you had put on the couch. You had been hoping to get a chance to unpack before the tour really started...

"Y/N and I were planning on getting settled in tonight, actually." Myra said. "Maybe not tonight, but definitely another time, yeah."

Nick tutted. "Too bad." He slung an arm around Myra's shoulders on the couch. "I was hoping to get one last night with you before the road-"

George mimed barfing. "You're disgusting."

Myra slipped right out from under Nick's arm, standing and grabbing one of your duffel bags from the other couch. She shrugged apologetically to Nick. "Sorry. Gotta help Y/N unpack and be a good host and all."

Clay laughed under his breath. "Alright. We'll stop bothering you guys now - it was nice saying hi though, and nice to meet you Y/N."

"You too." You said, watching as Clay started back towards the door of the bus. George kicked off the wall to follow him, and Nick reluctantly pulled himself from the couch, grabbing Myra's wrist and squeezing before he disappeared out the door as well. As soon as the bus door clicked closed, you rounded on Myra. 

"What was that with Nick?" You asked. "You didn't tell me you were dating someone from my favorite band-"

Myra pouted. "I though I was your favorite band."

"You are, but you're dodging the question." You said. "When-"

Myra just shrugged, toting the bag she was holding to the back of the bus. "I'm going to put all your things in the bathroom."

You rolled your eyes with a smile. "Fine, but we're still talking about this!"

AT LEAST IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU // Dream X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now