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You came back home from work, late again. It was almost 11h. You opened your Mom's Bedroom door slowly and saw Jean and Marco peacefully sleeping in each others arms. ' They are too cute together.'  You thought to yourself before taking a picture and closing the door behind you. You checked up on Armin before going to bed. 

The Next day at school

You closed your locker before heading to your last class of the day, Math. ' Ugh, I have Detention after that... On a Friday night.'  You texted Armin. 

You: "Hey Mimi, Jean and Marco are going to give you a lift after school. Detention :/  I should be back at 5h max. The café is closed tonight."

Armin: "Mkay! see you tonight!"

You: "see ya :)"

" No cellphone in my class, miss L/N." Mr. Shadis said before going back to what he was doing.

" Yeah sorry." You quickly hid your phone in your back pocket. You sat at your place in the second row and opened your book to the page written on the board as the lesson started. 

A few minutes into the lesson, you felt something on your shoulder. You looked back to see what it was and who did it, but nothing, only faces focused on the lesson and a ball of paper laying on the floor. You picked it up and looked at what was inside it. 

There was: a phone number with " Text me after class ;)" written next to it. 

You checked one last time to see if anyone looked suspicious, but nothing. Only Berthold, a cute tall guy in the second row like you, looked at you, probably because your were making noise. He smiled at you before getting back to his work. You sighed before putting the paper in your back pocket with your phone. ' It's probably Marco and Jean messing with me or something.'

Finally the bell rang announcing the end of classes. You waited for Jean and Marco at the door, like usual. 

" Hey guys!" They responded to you with a smile. You guys walked towards your lockers. You finished your bag and looked at them. " Hey, uhm... Was it any of you guys that threw this at me?" You said showing them the number. They shook their heads, not knowing who's number it is. " Did you guys happened to see who did it?"

" No, I'm sorry, we were focused on the teacher to whole period." Marco said before hugging you goodbye. 

" It's fine, it's probably just a random prank. I'll see you guys later!" You said hugging Jean before heading to the library. Mr. Pixis was the one in charge of detention tonight and surprisingly, they weren't a lot of students. You sat at a table before taking out your homework. The library was quiet until someone swung the door open. You look up to see the short raven haired boy. 

" Shhhhhh." Some random kid made in the back.

" Tch, whatever dude." Levi said before sitting a few places next to you. You went back to your homework. " Are you seriously going to work?" He said in a low voice, looking at you in disgust. You shrugged and tried to focus on your homework. Suddenly, you received at notification. 

*Levi's IPhone tried to Airdrop you an attachment*

You looked at him, his face showed no emotion. You accepted the attachment and laughed at the photo he had sent you. It was nothing special, just a funny picture of Mr. Pixis sleeping.

-Time skip-

It was approximately 4:20 pm. The library was almost empty only a brunette girl, Levi and you were left. Detention was ending in 25 minutes, yet Levi took his bag as he got up and walked towards the exit.

My Brother's Bully ||Levi x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now