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Levi's pov

He looked at you still sleeping on his chest. He grabbed his phone and looked at the time. It was already 10 am. He laid his phone back on the table next his bed and stared at your face. 

' How is she so beautiful. Everything is perfect about her... Her hair looks good even messy. Her smile when she finally understands what Mr. Pixis teaches... Ugh, I would kill to be the reason of her cute smile. She has an impressively good relationship with Armin. She's an amazing sister and would do anything to protect her brother. She's not afraid to tell what's on her mind when you provoke her. Her pink lips look soft, and in fact they are.' He smiled to himself. ' But the best are her eyes. They are gorgeous.' 

He interrupted his thoughts as you moved a little. He put his hand in your hair and started playing with them. He tried to not wake you up while doing so. 

Your pov

You were slowly waking up when you felt someone playing with your hair. Even if it was calming and you wanted to fall back asleep, your head was pounding. You groaned and brought your right hand to you forehead. You felt someone chuckle under your head. You slowly opened your eyes, yet you closed them back. The sun was too bright and the light gave you a headache. Suddenly, you remembered Marco and Jean. You were supposed to leave with them. You quickly lifted your head and noticed on who's chest you were.

" Good morning y/n..." Levi said in a raspy morning voice. ' Hot...' You smiled at him while his grey eyes stared at your naked body. 

" Hey!" You said stealing the blanket and covering yourself with it, only to reveal Levi in his boxers. You blushed.

" Are you going to stare any longer or can I get up and go pee?" He chuckled as you looked away embarrassed. He left the bed and you laid back on it. You took your phone to see many missed notification.

* 7 new notifications and 7 missed calls*

Jean: Bro, hurry uo Marco is fallinh ashleep. 9 hours ago

Marco: Whht are you both doihg upstairsd? 9 hours ago

Armin: When are you planning to come home? 9 hours ago

Jean: welp. we left, gn. 9 hours ago

Armin: Y/N?? are you with the boys? I heard them get home...  8 hours ago

Armin: Uhm... y/nwhere are you? They are super loud and Eren and Mikasa are already asleep... 8 hours ago

Armin: OH SHIT... Y\N PLEASE COME HOME!! there's an emergency!  30 minutes ago

" Oh shit..." You quickly got up and looked around for the clothes Levi planned to lend you. You found them in a corner and got dressed. ' Shit, shit, shit... Did they burned their toasts and now the house is on fire? Is Armin ok?' You were about to get out of the room, but a raspy voice stopped you.

" Oi, what are you doing?" You turned to face Levi still in his boxers. ' Damn, he's good looking... Stop staring y/n!' 

" Armin said there was an emergency, I need to go see if he's alright." You said slightly worried. " I was supposed to leave with the boys too! OH shit." You rushed to the front door and took all your stuff. 

" Are you already leaving?" You asked Hange from the kitchen before thier head popped out the door frame. You nodded and slid in your shoes. You open the door but something stops you from getting outside. You turned around to face Levi, again. But this time, he had sweatpants. His eyes stared in yours.

"Do you regret about what happened last night?" He said in a monotone raspy voice. ' Did I?'

" No! I don't and, sure, I might have made, whatever this is, happen slower but to be honest, I quite enjoyed it." You confessed. He smirked before pulling you closer. " But I really need to go... Armin might-" He interrupted you with a peck before letting you go. You felt you cheeks heat up. 

" Go take care of that Brat... I'll text you later." You turned around smiling, but your smile slowly faded as you remembered, you Uber-ed here. 

" Uhm, Levi?" You asked before he closed the door. " I... Uhm..." 

" I'll give you a ride. Anyway, I owe you one." A small smile corned his mouth. He grabbed one of his hoodie, slid in his shoes and took his keys. 

" Thank you." You followed him to his car and got in the passenger seat.

The ride was silent, but not in a bad way. You both were tired, and honestly just happy with the other's presence. You asked Levi to park a few blocs away, just so Armin wouldn't see you two together. You kissed him goodbye before closing the car's door. As you were closer to your house, you started walking a little faster, worried about the so what emergency.

You opened the front door to see three kids dancing on their feet, hands on their lower stomach. " What happened? Why are you guys like this? Where are Jean and Marco?" Armin pointed at the bathroom. You walked towards it and knocked. " Jean? Marco?" You opened the door and froze, revealing two naked bodies, Jean's and Marco's. You quickly close the door and looked at Armin who had calmed down. 

" We couldn't wake them up without..." Armin started.

" Getting scarred for life..." Eren continued.

"With this atrocity." Mikasa finished. You giggled and turned around. You picked two towels and opened to door. You quickly placed the towels on the passed out's lower bodies. You noticed the hickeys and marks on their body.

" Jean! Marco? Did you guys do what I think you did last night? Holy s-" Both of them interrupted you, by quickly waking up. 

" What, where, who?" Both said looking around. They rapidly brought their hands to their forehead. You chuckled.

" I'll explain to you guys what I think happened, but first, there's a line of people waiting to go have their morning pee." They looked at their lower body, covered themself correctly and then got up and went to my mom/their room. You followed them and waited till they were both under the covers before getting in the room.

" So... You guys had fun after the party? In the bathroom?" You said with a "you could've done it somewhere better" face. Jean scratched his neck looking at Marco who stayed still blushing. Jean observed the marks he made on Marco, and it somehow gave him confidence.

" Yeah... Last night was a bit crazy." Marco chuckled at Jean's response. You felt like your presence wasn't needed at the moment so walked out the room. 

" I'll leave you guys alone to talk about it and to sleep a little more." You said through the door before going to your room. You jumped on your bed and texted Armin.

You: *sent an attachement* (the picture of them kissing at the party)

You: Our fav ship is happening, they are close to a relationship. I can feel it. 

Armin: NO WAY!?!?! Do you think they slept together last night?

You: They 100% did ;)

Armin: \(^o^)/

You laughed. But then, a notification from Levi brought you back to reality. You needed to talk to Armin about it, because you couldn't hide anything from your brother. You opened your message.

Levi: How about a date tomorrow night?


A/N: I hope you guys don't find it uncomfortable the Jean and Marco's situation... Maybe I should slack on it a little.

Anyway, this story is coming close to the end, see ya next chapter :)

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