Chapter 6:

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Amy's POV:

"I really don't like fighting..."I mumbled to no one in particular.Myth came over and sat down."me neither."she said.I looked at her red and black hair."I like your hair!"I said smiling."Thanks!I like yours too!"she said happily.I looked over at squid and he was watching us. "I'll be right back."I said walking over to squid sitting down next to him."You like her!"I said grinning.(Yes, I know squid has a girlfriend but he doesn't in this book)squid started blushing and looked away. "I don't know what your talking about!!"He said blushing more."come on!I see the way you look at her!"I said putting my hand on his shoulder."Tell her before it's too late."I said getting up and walking to my room on the ship.I looked out the window Kneeling down."Oh notch, please let Myth be safe.If my suspicions are correct...just please keep her safe."I said getting up.I heard a knock on my door so I went and opened it."were here."Sqaishey said climbing down the ladder.I walked out and watch Myth 360 off the boat.I climbed down the ladders carefully.I reached the ground and heard someone's stomach growling."Lee I'm hungryyyy"Stampy whined.Lee rolled his eyes and dragged Stampy in the house.I looked over at squid and went in.I mean,im hungry too!girls gotta eat right?I opened the door and went to my room.I took out a few apples from my chest.Before I could take a bite I got a knock on my door.Sighing I went and opened the door.There stood a confused finball."uh,Notch is here"he said pointing downstairs."N-Notch?"I said stepping out closing my door."he said something about a message from a female."he replied starting to walk down the stairs.Guess my apples gonna have to wait.

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