Chapter 2:Preparing

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Myth's POV:

They all still had their weapons drawn."Come with us."Lee said firmly.I stood up shivering because it was really cold and wet in the cave.I followed them out into the bright warm sunny summer day."Why are you here?"Stampy asked still holding out his sword ready to attack."I'm not sure how I got here or why I'm here."I said trying not to show fear in my voice but failing greatly.We finally walked to the house stampy lived in.We walked the halls trying to find a place for me to stay as they decided to lock me in the guest bedroom.I found a little ball and threw it against the wall and catching it for what felt like hours when I finally got bored and slid down the wall suddenly remembering how hungry I was.I laid down on my side trying to forget about the fact that I was practically starving my face off.I sighed boredly and started banging my head on the wall."I'"I moaned while hitting the wall with my head.I heard the door quietly unlock and the door knob twist.Stampy came in holding a cake and putting up his index finger to his lips making a 'shh' sign and gave the cake cake to me."thanks"I whispered to him."your welcome"he whispered back and left.I ate the cake and smiled to myself.I finished eating the amazing cake and went to bed.-Time skip to the morning-I awoke from a dreamless sleep.I sat up and stretched my arms.From the next room I could here Lee ask stampy,"I baked you a cake last night,do you know what happened to it?"I basically could see stampy rubbing the back of his neck."well you"Stampy said trying to find something to say."I gave it to myth...she was hungry so I gave it to her."Stampy said sighing."Ok you get a apple today then."Lee said."Awwwww ok"Stampy mumbled.Click the door swung open revealing Lee and before I knew it I was being dragged out of the room."what?why am I being dragged out of the room?"I asked.

Lee's POV:

"I'm taking you to a meeting."I said dragging her to the club house.I swung open the door and led her to a chair next to Amy.Amy smiled at myth and I walked back to my seat."Ok so we are here to discuss what we are going to do about HitTheTarget's resent attacks.It seems like he is attacking on odd number dates,which means since it is the 12th he will be attacking us tomorrow so we need to prepare.Amy and Rosie,You start setting traps.Lee and sqaishey,You start training with your swords and bows.Stampy,ready your dogs.I will work with finball in the black smith.Is that clear?"Squid said."Clear we all said except myth who was raising her hand."yes myth?"Squid asked."What can I do?"she said.We all were surprised that she asked to help on the attack."You can also train with a bow and sword.Sqaishey will show you the way to the training base."He replied."Ok start training for the battle."With that we all left the room.Myth and sqaishey chatting on the way there as I ran to catch up.

Myth's POV:

We finally reached the training base.there was a rack of armour,diamond swords and bows.I grabbed a bow and a few arrows while sqaishey and Lee got geared up and headed to the mob arena.I walked in and flipped a lever closing the gate and letting some skeletons out.I shot at them,they shot at me but there hits hurt even more.I bit back a scream and shot the skeleton in the face,one in the chest and the last in the neck.I took some bandages from my pocket and took the arrows out from my skin.once I pulled the last one out I bandaged up my cuts except the small one on my face where a arrow cut it flying by.The gate opened and I walked out.I looked up at the sky,it was dark.I quickly ran out of the arena into the house.

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