Chapter 4:The battle part:2

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Rosie's POV:

A bright red smoke filled the air and I suddenly felt really tired.I dropped to the ground and all I saw was black.

Nobody's POV:

The magic animal club and Myth was knocked out on the ground which gave HitTheTarget the perfect chance to grab everyone and lock them up or he could take the one he wanted,Myth.She was brought here to serve him but was taken in by the magic animal club.Everyone always thought of HitTheTarget as the villain but he thought he was just misunderstood.HitTheTarget grabbed Myth and put her in the jail of his ship.He left the magic animal club to hopefully be attacked by monsters but the knock out gas only lasted a few seconds.Sqaishey was the first to wake up,then squid,Lee,Amy, Rosie,finball and stampy.Myth still was passed out on the ship."GIVE HER BACK!"Amy screamed after the boat.Amy ran to Stampys ship and boreded everyone on.The boat lurched forward as finball started it.stampy ran into the captains cabin.He stayed there for hours crying.

Sqaishey's POV:

"I'm going to talk to stampy."I said walking towards stampy's cabin.Knock knock."I don't wanna talk to anyone..."He said.I sighed and walked away."He won't come out."I said sitting down.

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