Chapter 5:The rescue mission

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Lee's POV:

"Lee,maybe you can try to talk to him?"Squid asked."I can try."I said jogging to Stampys cabin door. "Stampy?"I asked knocking."Come in."Stampy said sighing.I walked in and sat beside him.I put my hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him."It's going to be ok,We will get her back."I said."What if we don't Lee.What if we can't!"He slightly yelled.I pulled him into a hug and he cried into my shoulder."'s ok."I said rubbing circles on his back.Stampy pulled away wiping his tears from his face.

Myth's POV:

I kicked the bars."WHEN I GET OUT YOUR GONNA GET IT!"I screamed.Hit The Target walked down with his diamond sword."I would not challenge me Myth."He said in his ruff voice walking closer.I backed away to the back of the room.Target flung around his cape swinging around as he headed back upstairs.'hopfully they get here soon.'I thought to myself.I looked at my Magic Animal Club shirt sighing.'Really soon...' finished.I looked around my cell for something to use.Great,A sharp stone.I picked up the stone and carved myself in in the wall.The boat shook making me fall over.I got up and yelled,"WHATS GOING ON!"I shook the bars.I heard some familiar voices.They came!I saw finball run down cutting the bars making a big enough space for me to get through.He made a hand signal showing me to follow.I ran upstairs following finball to the ship.I looked back at the battle then at finball.He nodded and threw me a sword.I charged at Target and attacked.The battle was fierce as we charged at him attacking.Each swing of my sword time seemed to slow and I felt stronger.Target ran to the bottom of the ship disappearing.We all ran back to the ship as targets ship caught fire.

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