chapter 3:The battle part:1

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Stampy's POV:

"myth should have been home an hour ago!"Amy said waving her arms.I was pacing the floor when the door opened revealing a very bandaged eyes were wide as saucers."What happened? why are you so late?where were you?"I asked myth."Skeletons,lost track of time,I was training."She said answering my questions."I don't think you should fight.Your all bandaged up.If you somewhat heal you can."Lee said."go get some rest and be up at 4 am sharp."I said."Yes sir!"She shouted and ran to the guest room."Ok let's head up to the club house to finish planning."Squid said bringing us to the club house when the house shook.We all fell down and myth raced down the hall.I checked my watch"Why is he so early?"I say crawling to my sword.The rumbling stopped."GRAB YOUR WEAPONS AND ATTACK!"Sqaishey yelled.All of us were in diamond armour except myth who just had her bow."I'm going out first."She said and ran out before we could stop her."She's gonna die out there!"Rosie yelled.

Myth's POV:

I know I'm probably going to die but I'm just a distraction.I shot at HitTheTarget but I missed because he sent the arrows back at me.I let out a scream as one knocked the bow out of my hand.HTT backed me up into a corner holding a smoke bomb like thing as everyone came out.He pressed a button on it and it let some gas into the air.It was knock out gas.

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