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    I ran my hand threw Torys hair as soft snores escaped her mouth. It was one of the rare days she had off from her multiple jobs.

  I finally decided on criminal minds and cuddled more into her, wrapping a blanket around us.

   I always feel so guilty when I'm with Tory.
Her mother is sick, she didn't want to tell me what with, and bed ridden. Leaving Tory to take care of her brother and the bills.

  I come from a family that's well off. My dad owns one of the two most successful car stores in the valley. I've never known how hard off some people have it till I met my beloved.

  Don't tell her I called her that, she hates when I call her that.

  When I met Tory it was at a sushi restaurant my mom loves, Tory was our waitress. I'm vegetarian, but I started coming every weekend. But they have really good rice so.

                             Flash back
   I smile up at Tory, my waitress. "Will that be all?" She asked pilling my dirty plates on her arm. "Yes, just the check please." I said giving her a warm smile.

  Her eyes where tired, but she still gave me a polite smile. "Of course. Coming right up." I thanked her and watch her walk over the the table in front of me.

   I wish I could think of a way to talk to her.
Who am I kidding, how do you even know she swings that way? I questioned watching her pick up the older couples plates.

  Tory ask the couple a question to which a very annoyed older lady said "that meal wasn't very good. Do I still have to pay?"

I rolled my eyes at the woman's behavior. What kind of question is that. Torys posture changes as she shifted her tired feet.

"I'm sorry ma'am but yes you will still have to pay for your meal. I can take it back and get if cooked more if you would like, or get something added or taken off?"

The lady scoffed "that offer would have been helpful 20 minutes ago. Well just take the check." I barked at her in my head.

  Soon Tory came back with two checks and stopped at the table with the couple. "Here you guys go!" She said keeping her composure.

  They paid in cash, and left. Without leaving a tip. I sighed, how rude. I could see the look of disappointment on her face as she turned to walk up to my table.

  "Here you go ma'am!" She greeted, sitting the check on the table. I smiled up at her "I'm sorry about those people." I said looking down at the check.

   "Oh them, it's no big deal." I signed the bottom of the bill and placed my card in. "Still, doesn't hurt to be nice." She gave me a real smile, before taking the bill and walking off.

   I smile, I finally had a conversation with her. Sure it was short but I was nice and optimistic. That's a good first impression.

  I fished into my purse and pulled out a five and left it on the table before going to the seating desk and getting my card.

   I made my way back to my car when I was Tory outside on the phone, pacing? I leased against the lobby door and listened.

  "Look I know the payments late. My check doesn't come in till the end of the month. I'll pay it then." There was a pause and her face twisted in anger.
  "You can't kick us out just because our payments late!" She yelled, then realized how loud her voice was and turned to see if any of the costumers in the outside seating heard her outburst.

Who she talking to? A landlord most likely. I can't let her get kicked out of her home. I peaked out the window again to see Tory had gotten off then phone with her head in hands.

My heart stung at the sight. No wonder she's always tired, there's no way she's over 18. She must be supporting a family...

I took a deep breath and open the door, I slowly approached her like I would with a scared animal.

"Hey," I spoke out quietly, making an effort not to startle her. Her head shot up and she stood up, straightening out her uniform.

  "I could help but over hear.." I said quietly, afraid she would get angry at me for listening.   Her eyebrows frowned as she looked at me.

  "You where eavesdropping?" I looked down "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to but I was just standing by the door and I heard you talk and I didn't want to come and interrupt you so I just kinda stood there and I just so happen to hear... you.." I scrambled to explain myself.

   She chuckled lightly, which I took as a good sign. He relaxed and sat back down. "I want to help." I said looking at her.

   He looked at me confused "what?" I reach in my purse, and count out 250 dollars in twenty's. "The average cost of rent in the valley is 200, but you never know." I mumbled stepping closer sticking the money out to her.

  She shock her head "thanks, but I'm no charity case." She shook her head and looked the other way.

  I sit down next to her, I felt my checks heat up, and I grab her hand. She looks over at me, I open her hand and place the money in her palm.

  "Call it a tip."

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