The guardians and The Betrayers

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Hiro Kimura, belonged to an immortal league of spirits named "The Guardians". Guardians take on the special role of collecting souls after a human has died and protecting them for eternity. Their origins are unknown and their identities are anonymous. Each Guardian is assigned a human to observe till the day they die, collect the soul and return it to the Supreme Deity (The leader and the assumed creator of the Guardians) for them to be stored away. Before they set off for Earth, Guardians are given designated bodies which they can use to observe their humans and fit in on earth. Additionally, they are given special rules that Guardians are obliged to abide by, a few of them being...

•Do not become attached to your human
•Do not associate your self with your human deeply E.g: become friends or lovers
•Do not fail to collect the soul of your human
•Do not collect the soul of another human that was not assigned to you

Kimura's assigned human was none other than Akio Suzuki. He requested to the Supreme Deity that he was given the body of a child. His family belonged to a very well known and admired family of Guardians amongst them hence why the Deity accepted his request.

Akio sparked an interest in Kimura because he could sense a hidden power in Akio, similar to that of his own and thought he would be able to activate it. He asked his parents to accompany him, although they were reluctant at first, his parents could not deny the fact that they also could sense the power that lay within Akio and decided to assist him and helped play the role as an innocent family. Kimura watched Akio as the years went by and grew very keen to Akio which resulted in an unforgivable mistake, he started a friendship with Akio.

Kimura's parents found out and out of fear of losing their position as highly respected Guardians, they backstabbed their son and told the Deity. As a result he was stripped of his status as a Guardian and banished to a place of punishment "The land of the Betrayers".

Kimura had been told many stories of Betrayers as a young Guardian but never expected to become one! As a punishment, Hiro Kimura was forced to organize souls in alphabetical order until the Supreme Deity is satisfied, which could be years, months, centuries even! However during his stay there, he came across a group of ex- Guardians who promised him life on earth in exchange for souls. These ex- guardians were wicked, cruel and disgusting spirits who only sought for pleasure and entertainment so Kimura accepted their offer but had another goal in mind.

"Excuse me Sir?" Kimura asked
"What is it now brat, I've told you time and time again to just call me Steven?" The man replied.
"That isn't very professional, anyway I wanted to ask who your assigned human was back when you were a Guardian?"
"Eh? What will you do with that information. I'm tellin ya kid, if you try something funny I'll make your life a living hell!" The man answered
"No of course not, just curious...." Kimura lies gritting his teeth at the unpleasant state of his new-found leader.
"His name was Haru Suzuki or something."
Kimura was taken aback with astonishment as he recognised the name.
"Yeah. You recognize that name or sumthin'?" The man asked.
"No sir!"
"Tsk...fetch me some more tobacco leaves immediately!" The man commanded
"Right away sir."
"Suzuki huh? It must be fate." Kimura mutters to himself.

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