Chapter 10

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I woke up quickly when I heard voices of feet. Uh! It was Robert again.

"What do you want?" I yelled.

"Catharina you don't understand it's not your choice because you're coming with me home, right now!" he yelled and ordered his guards to catch me.

I started running as fast as I could but unfortunately were faster yet I did my best but the branch of a tree hit the upper part of my body and I flipped in the air and hit the ground badly. They caught me and moved towards Robert.

"Didn't I tell you it's not your choice" he said as he smiled at me.

Uh how pathetic he is! I wanted to hit his ugly face but I couldn't. Though he was handsome but to me he's ugly.

They started moving so fast and entered the castle. I was pushed on my bed and they locked the door after them. When am I getting out of here? Carson soon entered my room and sat on the bed.

"You shouldn't have done this" he started. "Look here we are again"

"I couldn't help it Carson, though I escaped but they still caught me"

"I don't know how they find my place! Isn't that strange?" I continued.

"Creepy much"

I nodded and leaned my back over the bed hopelessly.

"We must first know where your real parents are"

I again nodded, hugged him and started crying. He patted me and tried to comfort me. I dried my tears when Robert came in.

"Why are you crying my dear? I am doing the best for you!"

"You just want to use me for your own good"

"I don't Catharina"

"I don't want to hear anything from you, just get out of the room and I don't want to see you here again" I yelled.

-Ethan's POV-

I went out with Grace and stopped when I found Bracken.

"Good morning Ethan!" he said with a cold smile.

I gave him a cold look and looked at Grace.

"Oh yes you don't know me, do you?" he said.

"No I know you quite well" came the cold reply.

"Yes perfect"

There was a moment of silence before I uttered.

"What do you want Bracken?"

"Oh you know my name!"

"What do you want?" I repeated looking more serious.

He smiled at me then started talking.

"Just wanted to say hey"

"Oh really?"

Robert suddenly appeared behind him.

"Oh yes I forgot to tell you that I am not alone"

"Hey Ethan!" said Robert.

I gave him a frustrated look then turned to Grace.

"How is your wife Robert?" came the hard reply from Grace.

"What wife?"

"Your witch wife"

He thought for a moment.

"Oh yes she's good"

"Where's Calum?" he questioned.

Calum appeared behind my back and gave him a cold smile.

"Oh poor Ethan, you're trying to find another mate instead of Camilla, but she's a Vampire you know?"

I looked at him angrily but tried to look calm.

"Oh I feel pity on you, you could've been a father now, but Camilla's baby died when she died so you lost two" he continued.

"Oh Robert I feel pity on you, you don't have children so you decided to take Bracken's daughter" came the reply.

He bit his lip and looked at me frustrated.

"Oh how I miss your father's stupidity" I murmured.

He wanted to hit me but calmed himself. They walked away frustrated and I smiled at Grace. Uh how I hate that bastard.


Hope you like the story so far guys (: tell me your opinion guys (;

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