Chapter 25

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He quickly grabbed my hand, caught my hood and took it off my head. I groaned as the sun started to burn my skin. I took the hood and put it on quickly. He gave a sly smile and grabbed my hand again aiming to take me back to the castle, I hit him and ran but was knocked down when he caught my hand again.

"Drop it!" I cried.

He grabbed my hair and headed quickly to the castle. I groaned so loud hoping Ethan could hear me but he was buιsy training. I was in front of the castle's door and realized that if I entered I wouldn't be out of there till the end of my life. He pushed me forwards, I fell down and hit my head with the stairs.

"Uh Damien, I told you she's an important thing to me, you shouldn't have done this!" yelled Robert striking him.

My mouth was bleeding but it was nothing compared to the pain in my head.

"You idiot, I told you I am not returning here, who do you think yourself to do this with me?!" I yelled at Robert.

He smiled and tried to embrace me but I pushed him away.

"If Ethan knew I am here, trust me he would beat the shit out of you!" I yelled again.

"No my dear, Ethan wouldn't be able to reach you, he must kill the guards first"

I looked at the guards and found that he increased their numbers even more.

"You're nothing but an idiot!" I yelled.

He ordered the guards to take me back to my room and I was soon grabbed by hundreds of hands. They pushed me forwards and I was hit by the edge of the bed. I was so angry that I broke everything in the room, even the precious chandelier was shredded into pieces. Robert quickly entered the room and was surprised by the the mess I have done.

"Calm down now! You shan't be with Ethan, you should fight with me, not him"

"In your dreams"

"My dear you're a Vampire, and Vampires only live here not with the Werewolves!"

I hit the bed with my leg and turned to him.

"It's non of your business!" I cried. "I was happy with them, why should you shred my happiness?!"

"I didn't! You're going to be happier here!"

"No never here!"

I hit him with my leg and ran quickly out of the room but was interrupted by Damien. He caught my hand again.

"Leave me idiot!"

I pushed him away and ran from the path that I had known about from Jake. I was soon free and all I had to do now was to run as fast as I could back to my house. Damien caught me and started laughing.

"What do you want from me?" I yelled at his face.

"Your precious blood my dear"

"Yours is better!"

He laughed again and bit my hand. I cried when he began sucking the blood from it like a mosquito. He seemed to enjoy it so much but I interrupted his enjoyment aѕ I hit him and ran back to my house, I had to save my precious blood. I knocked on the door as hard as I could and entered shaking from head to foot. Carson glanced at my injured hand and came near me.

"What happened? You're bleeding!"

He put a piece of cloth on my hand and gently brushed both my hand and mouth.

"Robert kidnapped you, didn't he?"

I nodded and he embraced me. What a feeling of relief and safety! My face soon shone when I realized I was вacĸ to my home. My fear of Damien increased and I was now regretting not killing him instead of keeping him in that room and now he's free and a dangerous threat to me. He seems to enjoy my face when it's full of fear, what a sick idiot! I rested my head on my bed hoping I weren't a Vampire but I was and I can't reject the truth. My hatred for Robert increased too and I wanted to kill him.

Eternity [The Vampire Witch] (Bites Booĸ 2) Where stories live. Discover now