Chapter 26

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Ethan again went outside and I was afraid Damien could come to kidnap me. Robert is such a fool, he thinks I am a toy in his hand! But he should know that I am not a toy, I am a pain in the ass. Carson entered the room and closed the door at Jake's face.

"We don't need him, do we?" he muttered.

"Open the door Carson"

He opened it and Jake came inside frustrated.

"Catharina I told Ethan about what happened to you and he now increased the amount of guards to be one hundred, so no need to fear anymore"

I smiled and hugged him. I was feeling brave now.

"Can we have some privacy?" said Carson looking at Jake.

Jake shook his head.

"I won't leave her alone with you" he said. "You're so careless"

"It's okay Jake" I murmured.

Jake nodded and gave a little sighed.

"What is it?"

"Catharina, I'm afraid I should tell you a very important thing! Very hard for you I believe"

I looked at him confused and came closer to him feeling excited.


"You know since the first time I met you, I had a strange feeling"

I swallowed fearing he would say what is already stuck in my mind.

"Catharina, I should say..."


"I love you"

My face went white and I lost the connection with my body. I couldn't feel neither my hands nor my feet. My legs were cold and I was sweating.

"Carson, I don't know, you're a Werewolf and I am a Vampire, you see the difference?"

He nodded and looked disappointed.

"But that still doesn't mean I said I don't love you" I continued as I embraced him.

I was trying to master my stubborn tears but couldn't and started sobbing. I couldn't understand the feeling I had right now, I was overjoyed but at the same time upset, I couldn't describe that feeling, feeling of happiness as I found someone who truly loves me and cares about me and feeling of sadness as I was a Vampire and he was a Werewolf so it is impossible. Carson smiled at me when he found me sobbing and put his hands on my cheeks aiming to dry them. I made a small laugh and dried my remaining tears.

"Why are you sobbing?"

"I don't know"

"But just tell me that you love me"

There was a pause when I started to think.

"But I still ain't got any feelings towards you" I replied. "I have known you only months ago, you know?"

He smiled again and headed to the door of my room. Jake entered with a poker face and I had a feeling that he was listening to our conversation.

"Jake are you okay?"

He nodded. Drake soon entered my room, too.

"Catharina, I am going to get some food, would you like to come with me?"


I went with him outside the room but was hit by Carson.

"Where are you going?"

"He's gonna buy some food and I am going with him"

"I could come then, right?"

Drake shook his head.

"Sorry I need her for something secretive"

Drake took my hand and lead me to a market.

"Catharina, Damien is in charge"

"I know"

"We must do something!"

I bought some hot bread then came near him.

"What can we do?"

"Kill him"

He bought some cheese and went outside the building with me.

"We shan't kill him, if we did Robert would just take me back to his castle and would kill you"

"Then we need a plan" he suggested.

"We should send two men to kill him and without Robert's knowledge Damien would be dead by two unknown men sent by an unknown source" I suggested looking a little arrogant.

He nodded.

We headed to our house and started to eat. The hot bread was about to kill me, it was like the taste of heaven and the cheese entered the dark cave cooling it from the hot bread. I was enjoying my meal when Ethan entered the house.

"Ethan is everything okay?" I questioned.

"Yes, you could continue your meal now"

I nodded but wasn't satisfied by the answer, my curiosity was getting the best of me and I had to know what the hell was happening but was sure that I would soon find out but I am afraid I would be too late.

Eternity [The Vampire Witch] (Bites Booĸ 2) Where stories live. Discover now