Chapter 30

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-Catharina's POV-

I woke up quickly when I heard voices of men fighting. It appeared to be a war or something, I looked from the window and found the Werewolf soldiers fighting the Vampire soldiers. I got up and woke everyone in the house. I went outside with them and found Ethan with his soldiers right in front of the Vampires. Oh shit! I had to help Ethan. I ran quickly to join the war but Jake caught my hand.

"Don't Catharina, if Ethan lost, Robert would take you back to his home!"

"No we won't lose!"

"And why do you have to risk?"

I stopped for a moment and looked at Ethan.

"Because he's... My father"

Carson got out of the house and went towards us.

"What are you doing? Get back inside"

I looked at Carson then looked at Ethan again. I was quite confused. I had to help Ethan, Calum is not so strong and Damien was way stronger. Drake was also fighting with Ethan and that pleased me much, he was using his arch and was killing many Vampires. I was surprised when I found a woman looking like a witch fighting with the Vampires using her powers. Who's she? I tried to reach her and she looked at me and smiled.

"Catharina my child" she said as she hugged me.

I stood paralyzed trying to understand.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"I'm your mother my dear"

"Where have you been all these years? You left me suffer with no mother? You didn't even visit me"

She started sobbing and she hugged me.

"Robert forced me to leave you, and your father obeyed him"

"Who's my father?"

"Bracken" came the reply I hadn't expected.

Bracken? How? Oh God that's getting more complicated. What shall I do now after I attacked him! And killed him with my own hands!

"Catharina my dear you have to fight with us now"

"Who?" I questioned.

She pointed at the Vampires and I was shocked.

No I can't fight against Ethan, he brought me up like his daughter and I cannot just betray him now.

"Catharina hurry we must fight now!" she cried.

I looked at Carson and he shook his head and came close to me.

"You must fight with us not them" he whispered.

"But she's my mother"

"Catharina, you have to choose either us or them!"

This is the hardest decision I would ever do, I have to choose one of them. My mother or my friends and Ethan. That is so hard for me.

"What are you waiting for my dear, come and fight with us!" she cried again.

I didn't utter a word, I just stood there paralyzed. Carson was convincing me to fight with them but my mother was convincing me to fight with the other side and that was getting so difficult. I cannot go back to my house and not fight and at the same time I would make a hard decision now.

"Catharina come and fight with me now!" she said grabbing me.

Voices told me to refuse and others told me to agree and I was a mess. I was thinking about dying right now but I thought about the people who loved me. I cannot be selfish and not think about them.

Eternity [The Vampire Witch] (Bites Booĸ 2) Where stories live. Discover now