Chapter 7

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It was about 9 o'clock when someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"Come in" I yelled.

"The breakfast ma'am" said a servant as he put it on the table.

I pushed it away from me and threw it on the ground.

"I said I don't want to eat!" I cried


"What is going on here?" questioned Robert looking at the food on the floor surprised.

"I don't want to eat!"

"Catharina my dear, you are staying here for lifetime so if you won't eat then you are committing suicide!"

"I would rather die than eat anything!"

He came closer to me and tried to touch my face but I turned my head away.

"Ah my dear please don't do this, I am your real father, don't you understand?"

"No you're not! I will never believe it!"

He sat beside me and smiled at me.

"Catharina, you are, trust..." he said gently touching my hands.

"Don't touch me!" I interrupted firmly.

"Please just understand me..."

"No just get out!" I interrupted.

He stopped for a moment then tried to utter a word but I just interrupted by ordering him to get out. I just couldn't bear it here anymore. I started planning for escaping and was following the plan carefully. I stood up from my bed but quickly fell down from weakness. A young man entered the room and quickly helped me sit on my bed again.

"Are you hungry?" he questioned gently.

He was so gentle that I couldn't yell at his face and silently obeyed him and ate what he gave me, I was soon regaining my health again. He was handsome no lie and his gray eyes widened when it met mine all the time. Oh well I was of course interrupted by the Mr.

"Oh I see you're eating now!" started Robert.

I looked at him frustrated and then looked at the gentle man again.

"Thanks Carson for convincing the stubborn mind"

Carson leaned his head and went outside.

"Catharina I told you, you wouldn't bear it"

I had to follow my plan but many things interrupted me. I had to get rid of the guards, but how? There are about 2 million guards in front of the castle, this is insane! I must do something and something seemed to find its way to me, I heard some guards talking about the first floor, it lead to a garden and there were no guards there as it was a floor under the ground. This was my only chance, I had to reach there before night comes for some guards stand there at night. I have known all these information from Carson when he visits me in my room.

"But why are you here?" questioned Carson.

"Robert is keeping me here like a prisoner"


"Because he thinks I am his daughter!"

He started asking me many questions until I fell asleep in the middle of his conversation.

I woke up suddenly at one o'clock and it was time to make my plan. I sneaked out of the door and reached the first floor by the stairs but found Robert talking to a servant. I was grabbed quickly behind a wall by Carson.

"What are you doing? Have you gone nuts?"

"I have to escape"

"No you should wait for Thursday where he goes to visit some people, you have to act like you are an obedient girl so that he would decrease the amount of the guards"

I thought for a moment and found his words right but I am so impatient. When will Thursday come?


What do you think guys? Is Carson a good person or a bad one? Would he help her or betray her? Read the next chapter to find out (:

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