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The station is a flurry of activity by the time we arrive. Rubion had hired a chartered train to take all of its students part of the way there and then we would be picked up by buses and transported to the school.

I cling onto Alfred tightly, so tightly that I'm almost certain I'm cutting his circulation, but he doesn't acknowledge it so neither do I. The initial wave of excitement I had felt about attending Rubion had dissipated just as quickly as it came, leaving an acidic pit of nerves that was eating away at my confidence. I had never left my uncle alone for this long; I had never been alone for this long. Of course he had his security detail and Rubion had extensive procedures to keep us safe. But the knowledge didn't help to ease me. I was so nervous that I barely noticed the crowds ogling at us like zoo creatures... barely.

"You have everything you need right?" Alfred asks gesturing to my suitcase. I nod, eyeing the train and its surrounding crowd before locking eyes with Daemon. Alfred notices and embraces me in one final hug. "If you need anything, call me, yes?" He phrases it like I question but I know he's not asking. I nod and try to smile at him. "I love you Bella and I know you'll do me proud." I tackle him in one last hug murmuring an I love you into his coat before pulling away towards Daemon.

Once we find an empty 6 seats, I slide in next to the window and wave to Alfred, and then in a flash he's gone. Daemon squeezes my hand from his spot across from me, reassuringly. Within seconds of the train starting, Thorne arrives at our seats.

"Thorne!" I squeal, before promptly jumping on him. Daemon glares at him as he sits down next to him and Thorne simply laughs. Not long after Celestria and Orion join us, holding hands like the picture perfect couple they were.

"Awww!" I coo at the same time that Thorne remarks "What happened to the bachelor life O?" Both Celest and Orion blush as they take their seats, Celest next to me and Orion across from her. We talk for a long time about useless things - soccer matches and classes for this year - until a skinny boy arrives at our seats. Celest screws up her face in distaste.

"What are you doing here Hugo?" She demands, nose turned up to rival Mrs Wraith. Hugo shrinks further into himself at her tone, which is impressive considering his incredibly small frame.

"I, um, well I lost my phone... at the station. I was wondering, if any of you, um might have seen it?" He stuttered, looking everywhere but our eyes.

"If you could form a coherent sentence without blubbering maybe we could help you." Celest rolled her eyes, moving to shut the compartment. But of course, it couldn't be so simple.

"Wait!" He cried abruptly pointing his stubby fingers at me. "You're the new girl! Sterling right? I'm just like you!" I quirk my eyebrow before he clarifies. "I'm an orphan too." I almost feel bad for the poor boy and am about to respond when Celest all but screeches at him.

"Just like her? Do not tell me you truly believe that!" She half-screams at him. Daemon is on his feet in an instant hurling insults at the shaking boy. Blaise is next to him, chuckling menacingly with flaming cheeks and equally flaming eyes. Meanwhile Orion glared at him, looking, if possible, more disgusted than Celest.

"You better be joking Hugo." Orion growls, moving to stand.

I squeeze in between them. "Now now, there's no need to associate with poverty boys." I chide as Hugo stumbles away, before rolling my eyes at their antics. Though I appreciated their willingness to defend me, they knew as well as I that Hugo was nothing compared to what we would all face in the near future.

After hours of waiting, we see the first view of the alps peak through the verdant forest like a snake. Rocks arose from the ground like they were reaching for the heavens above it, the peaks formed by millennia of rain and wind. I bite back an excited squeal as we get off the train and onto buses that take us up the winding mountain roads. When the school comes into view, rising from between the green rolling hills, I audibly gasp and Daemon chuckles. This quaint stone castle with its majestic turrets projecting into the January sky is undoubtedly the inspiration for every Disney movie I've ever watched.

We now find ourselves standing on the ancient wood that makes up the castle's drawbridge. At one point this would have been where horses rode as they carried food and produce into the citadel within. This place would have served as the beating heart of a community. Now, it serves as a playground for the rich and dangerous.

We make our way into the castle's courtyard as a group, joining other students whom I assumed must have stayed at Rubion for the Christmas break. Daemon carries my suitcase along with his own as Orion takes Celest's. The loud boom of a voice amplified by a megaphone, causes a blanket of silence to befall the previously chattering crowd of students. After much searching I finally spot the teacher who had made the noise at the front of the crowd.

"Professer Durnham." Daemon mutters, nodding in her direction. I recognised the name from the stories they had told me about her. She was an old woman but not the kind that inspires pity with feeble bones and painfully skinny limbs. According to my friends, she had a sharp tongue and even sharper mind, and she looked like it too. She stood slim and tall, with salt and pepper hair that was styled in the way that old fashioned sleep-in rollers do and lips painted with a deep wine red.

"That's quite enough ladies and gentlemen!" She spoke firmly. "You know how this works by now. Head to your dormitories to unpack." I shot a confused glance at my friends, but they simply nodded toward the front. "Year coordinators will also greet any newcomers once they arrive at their dormitories." I feel some of the nerves dissipate at the knowledge that I wouldn't be separated from my friends, at least not yet.

"It's beautiful." I gush, spinning around as we follow the swarm of 10th graders towards our dorm.

"Yeah it is." Daemon laughed, though he was looking at me.

"Gross, knock it off lover-boy" Thorne mutters shoving his shoulder as Orion makes a gagging motion with his hand.

"Could you get any more cheesy." I roll my eyes, as Celest laughs in agreement and Daemon pouts. "If you're going to flirt with me, at least try to be original." I huff playfully, dragging Celest ahead of the group. The minute we are out of earshot from the boys, Celest waggles her eyebrows suggestively.

"What?" I cry, defensively as I hook my arm through hers. "And don't say nothing, I know that look."

"Nothing..." She smiles as I frown. "Just you and Daemon."

"No." I groan. "There is no me and Daemon." I remind her.

"Not yet." She teases, a grin plastered to her face.

"Not ever." I correct. "We're just really good friends."

"Friends who flirt with each other." She continues.

"Yes, wait no, just friends!" I cry a little too loudly. She simply rolls her eyes and carries on walking.

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