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I cannot remember much of my life before Daemon. In fact, I don't think I spent much of my life without him. In the absence of my own mother, Mrs Wraith had taken a particularly active role in my upbringing. Whether it was in order to design her perfect daughter in law, or simply out of goodwill, I could never be sure, however I appreciated it nonetheless.

It was strange to refer to myself like that, so casually; the future Mrs Sterling-Wraith. Although I suppose it was not as strange as it was confronting. Daemon and I had always known about the rumours, the subtle hints and failed attempts at setting us up. I would be lying if I didn't admit it sounded like a half decent - scratch that - rather nice prospect. I feel the red stain of blush creep its way up my neck and settle in my cheeks, and immediately push the thought from my mind.

The couch suddenly bounces, then sags with the weight of the rest of our little group. The added people cause Daemon and I to squish so close that my leg is practically on top of his, certainly not helping my cheeks cool. I let out a small squeak of protest as he shifts so that I'm fully on his lap.

"What's got you all flustered?" Celeste giggles quietly as I swat her.

"Nothing." I quip rolling my eyes, and instead settling into Daemon's lap and observing the quiet conversation of the morning. It was in these small moments that I could root myself to reality again, before the madness of the day ahead begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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