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I don't have much time to dwell on the encounter, because within minutes of Hugo's departure the door to the boys dormitory creaks open, revealing a half-asleep Daemon. I feel that familiar smile grace my face at the sight of him, and settled into one of the couches before patting the seat next to me. Talking to Daemon is like a sort of verbal dance, equal parts graceful and chaotic. It is, as Alfred calls it, banter, but I look forward to it. We could spend eternity together and never get bored. We were funnier together, happier together, better together.

"Why are you up so early?" He slurs as he tumbles onto the couch. "Bad sleep?" He asks, feigning hurt.

"Hardly." I laugh, giving him a small shove as he nods approvingly.

"Then what is it?" He presses, now looking slightly concerned.

"It's nothing to be worried about." I confirm. "I've just been waking up a little earlier lately. Gives me time to think about everything before the day starts."

"Anything in particular on your mind today?"


"No, nothing much." I smile, as he yawns. The lie slips out, smooth and easy, like chocolate sauce running down a stack of pancakes. Sweet and unsuspecting, yet tangibly present. I could have told him about Hugo, but he would have beaten him senseless, which wouldn't tell me anything, or protect me from anything.

"Why don't you go back to sleep? You're definitely buggered." I chuckle softly, readjusting so that I was tilted towards him. He hums contentedly before swinging his legs onto my lap and stretching into a sleeping position across the couch.

"I think I just might." He murmurs as I scoff.

"Not here you-" I start.

"Now now, Isolabella. What would your uncle say if he heard you talk like that?" He smirks, before promptly dozing off.

I leave him be but not before reminding him: "Alfred isn't here right now."

We stay like that for a while until the first early birds begin trickling into the common room from their dorms, at which point I wake Daemon up by pushing his legs off my lap and cackling into my hands as he falls to the carpeted floor. He groans but otherwise doesn't say anything, instead disappearing and reappearing with two cups of coffee. I begin to sip on mine gratefully, as we wait for the others to join us.

The silence embraces us, and I wonder not for the first time, how silence could possibly exist between two people? As long as your heart is still beating, as long as another person is present, there is always something more than silence. Just as there is light in whiteness and dreams in darkness, silence is a canvas for something. In the quiet Daemon and I find ourselves in, I find comfort in the conversation that occurs between our beings themselves. A sort of warmth that engulfs us as we soak in each other's presence.


I'm sorry this was such a short chapter lovelies! I've been having a little writer's block so VOTE! And COMMENT some ideas for what should happen next! <3

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