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My breath is pale against the cold air, and I blink fervently as the frost kisses my cheeks, captivated by the soft, dusty illusions of light that sit heavy on my lashes. Suddenly a yell pierces the air.

"Snowball fight!" Thorne cries.

In seconds of the short warning the air is thick with snowballs. The ones made from fresh flakes burst on impact, showering us in their crystal fragments. Seconds later Daemon and I are behind a tree that lines the path, frantically making a stockpile to retaliate with. "You're going down!" Thorne taunts from his hiding spot.

"Wanna bet?" I yell.

"Game on!" Orion cries. "Every man for themselves!"

My eyes widen at the last statement as I scramble away from Daemon and duck behind some bushes. Celest is crouched not more than 5 metres away, with an evil grin plastered to her face and a snowball in her hand.

I got snowball fights down to a science when I was a kid. My uncle said if I was going to do something, I should always aim to be the best at it and I was.

The minute Celest's snowball explodes on my chest, I know the fight is on. Frozen crystals dangle from loose fibres in my glove as I manically shape snowball after snowball. The coldness has frozen my fingers to the point where they no longer willed to bend. But a snowball fight is a snowball fight and I won't give in - I can't give up.

Another icy ball hits the bush I'm hiding behind, causing it to rattle as another whistles just above my head. A grin spreads over my face as whip my arm back sending a ball flying toward Celestia. I let out a laugh, a manic laugh, and the fight intensifies around me. I follow my usual tactic; drawing all their snowballs out before running into the open with my stash. Like every other time, it works perfectly.

A shrill shriek suddenly, penetrates the ringing laughter of my friends and I. Meihui stood covered in snow, her cheek bright red where my stray snowball must have hit her, though it looked less like a snowball mark and more like a punch. Her eyes are wide, fists balled up, but before she says anything, the boy next to her steps forward, baring his teeth.

His is taking me in and I know behind those green iris's he is calculating. It's odd to be on the receiving end of such a cold, presumptuous stare. I turn my nose up at the boy. He had several options: he could leave, try to intimidate me or fight me. I hope for his sake he would not choose the latter.

"Bella, is it?" He asks innocently, stalking towards me, rage burning behind his eyes like a wildfire.

"That's Isolabella to you, Heathcote." Celestria quips, moving to stand next to me. When it comes to fights, we were all incredibly well trained and more importantly incredibly in sync. The boys have the exits covered within seconds until there's nowhere for Wen and Heathcote run. Of course like any good host I'll offer them a chance to surrender and leave on my terms, which they will likely refuse. And then, we fight to win.

"So this is what the great Sterling name has come to hm? Needing friends to stand up for you." He snarled, spitting the word friend like it was acid.

"I could say the same about your little friend." I growl, mimicking the way he said friend and pointing at Meihui. "A Heathcote did you say? Pity, I don't remember any." And it was true. I had never heard of a Heathcote in my life.

"Oh you'll remember after this..." He roars, launching his body at me. I dance around it with ease. Lesson 1 of fighting: learn your opponents weaknesses before you attack. His first weakness, is that he relies on his size to win, so he's too slow to change course if you move quick enough. He falls to the ground, but is met with a soft cushion of snow, causing him to simply grunt before getting back up.

"I say, is there a reason you're so protective of Meihui. After all it was just a snowball." I frown, feigning confusion. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you've got yourself a girlfriend."

He's about to launch at me again when Meihui pulls him back, which, under different circumstances would have been impressive for a girl so small.

"Ooh and a feisty one too!" I snicker. "Go on then, listen to your girlfriend and run along now." I wave them off condescendingly, with a wide grin.

"You-" He starts.

"Finish that sentence Heathcote. I dare you." I roar.

"You think you're so special but you're no better than me, Sterling. None of you are!" He cries, as his face flushes bright red. "You might have fancy houses and fortunes and... allies..." My eyes widen involuntarily at the word. He could be referring to many things, but the way he paused when he said it, the way he smiled at my reaction, meant he could only be referring to one thing, and it was not at all a good sign. "But once we're through with you, you'll have nothing. You'll be nothing." He spits, finishing his speech, before storming towards the hall with Meihui in tow.

The boys move forward, presumably to go after him, but I hold up my hand to stop them. It wasn't worth it. Besides, if he was correct, we had far bigger problems than Heathcote.

"What do you think he meant?" I ask, willing my voice to be as steady as it was a minute ago. No one responds. Instead, for the first time since I arrived at Rubion, and since we've been friends, we walk to the hall and eat in silence.

The hall was a beautiful space indeed. Tucked away in the centre of the castle, mahogany tables stretched across the dark, romantic room. Two tall, silver candelabras commanded attention from the table at the front which was the only one facing vertically; the teacher's table.

At the back of the hall are tables layered with trays of food: grilled trout zested with lemon, marinated chicken, barbecued sausages, orange glazed ham, mounds of fragrant fried rice, pumpkin steaks smeared with butter, bread rolls shaped like roses, and countless salads and side dishes. It's all I can do to keep my mouth from watering at the sight. We pile our plates with food and then take our seats at one of the far tables.

"How are we going to face Meihui after that?" Celest whispers to me as I follow her eyes to Meihui who is currently in what appears to be a very tense conversation with Heathcote and some other people I don't recognize.

"I'm not sure. Let's just hope she ignores us and we'll do the same. Or better yet, she transfers rooms!" I try for a joke. Celest laughs but her eyes give way to the fear beneath. I reach for her hand and give it a squeeze, hoping it would reassure her. Whatever was in store for us tonight, at least neither of us would go through it alone.

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