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The dormitory walls sprang from the soil like the dirt insulted them. The ornate sandstone was fancier then a palace and the windows were oversized and mullioned like those of a medieval cathedral. It would have at one point, been home to noble men or relatives of the royal family. Now it would be my home for the better part of a year, and I couldn't be more excited.

"Like what you see?" Daemon chuckles as I gape at the dorms.

"Yes!" I whisper squeal, jumping a little before remembering who I am and where I am. Daemon winks at me and I refrain from slapping my face. "Not you idiot!" I groan as my friends laugh around us. "Let's go in!" I cry dragging them forward before I could be embarrassed any further.

The common room is dimly lit with vintage wall sconces that hang on the cream walls like earrings. Thin translucent beige curtains cover the long windows that stretch across the walls, leaving a shy peak of the alps beyond. A plasma screen TV sits in the middle of the room surrounded by antique chairs and new beanbags. There is a softness to the hue of the furniture, but it was still bright in colour. It was clear the couches had seen many decades and students. Though beautifully designed, the leather was worn and the colour was bleached by the light streaming in through the windows, rendering the hue more of a soft nutty colour than a deep taupe. A hand-woven rug covered the floor in front of the the ashen fireplace that stood in the middle of the wall, accompanied by paintings and faded tapestry panels on the walls. It was perfect.

We continue further into the room, towards the kitchenette at the back. It was clear it hadn't been part of the house when it had first been built. Stark grey tiles peek out from behind a marble countertop, and coat the surrounding floor in sterile hues. There is also a small connected island connected to the kitchen, which is fitted with a microwave, fridge, sink, dishwasher and rows of cabinets and drawers.

"I can get used to this." I laugh, admiring my new home.

"Yeah it's pretty nice." Celest shrugs indifferently as I mentally facepalm myself. Of course they wouldn't care, they had already been living here before Christmas; I was the new-girl.

"Where are the dorms?" I ask quickly, both to change the topic of conversation and so that Daemon didn't have to keep holding my stuff.

"I'll take you up!" Celest offers, grabbing her bag from Orion. I turn to do the same but Daemon refuses to let go.

"Oh come off it Daem. I'm perfectly capable of carrying a suitcase up some stairs." I huff as I pry it from his grasp. He lets me take it reluctantly before calling out a goodbye and following the boys to their side of the dormitory. Celest watches the interaction with an amused smile on her lips, before promptly leaving for the right corner of the room.

The decrepit staircase to what I assume are our rooms, groans in disagreement as we thump up the ageing stairs. It is battered but beautiful in the way that these ancient homes often are. There are signs of a past life full of guests and grace with bronze handrails, swirled balusters and patches of polished wood that glow in the soft winter light.

"They moved your bed into our dorm over the holidays." Celest tells me with a smile as we stop in front of the first door in the corridor.

"Our." I repeat. "Does that mean there's someone else too?" I ask and she nods. It wasn't that I minded, in fact quite the opposite. As much as I adored my friends, it wasn't often I got to meet new people. Maybe this would be good for me. Celest opens the door, and I feel a timid smile invade my features.

Three fourposter single beds are pressed against deep chocolate walls, with purple velvet hanging from the top of their frames, shielding them from their occupants from room the room outside. In front of each bed is a chest of drawers with flowers delicately carved into the wood, and on the other side are 3 long wardrobes, two of which are decorated with photos and calendars, and one which stands empty, waiting for me.

"That one's yours." Celest smiles happily pointing at the bed in the right corner. "You're next to me!"

I grin as I rush over to the bed. "This is going to be perfect." I murmur, beginning to make my bed and unpack my things. Once I'm done sticking photos of my friends and uncle on my cupboard and pilling my books and computer into my drawers I reverently press my cheek against my cool, silk pillow letting myself sink into the comforter which is as soft as a billowing cloud.

Suddenly the door is jerked open, revealing a short girl with delicate angular eyes and straight black hair that was cut in a neat bob. I quickly scramble out of my bed and to my feet. The girl doesn't react to Celest's presence, immediately locking eyes with me.

"Sterling? I was told you'd be coming." She states nonchalantly.

"Hi, I'm Isolabella Sterling, but I think you already knew that." I laugh. She doesn't reciprocate and I shoot Celest a mildly alarmed look; it wasn't often I struggled to make small talk. "And you are?"

"Meihui Wen." She states, though her eyes are glaring in the way that says I should have known this.

"Oh like the ambassador?" I ask curiously, hoping to start some sort of conversation no matter how shallow. My uncle often stressed the importance of knowing your politics, and so I had made a point to memorise any and all important figures in England. She nods, huffing as she moves towards her bed.

"Well," Celest starts, flashing a million dollar smile that would have made her mother proud. "I think we best leave Meihui to unpack and get settled, don't you think?"

I nod gratefully and hurry out of the room after her. So much for making new friends.

"Is she always like that?" I ask Celest, once we are back in the safety of the common room.

"More or less." Celest smiles almost sadly. "She's very..."

"Shy?" I finish.

"No, more like serious. She isn't particularly fond of people like us." Celest continues. It wasn't uncommon for people to dislike us purely because of who we are, but it was odd for someone who had no prior connection to us. I'm quickly broken from my thoughts by Celest's shoulder poking into my ribs.

A man had entered the common room and was now staring intently at me. His face was mostly obscured by a red scraggly beard that clung to his skin like tendrils of ivy. Cords of pure muscle knot around his neck straining the shoulder seams of his shirt, which is tenuously buttoned across his bulging chest.

"Hello Miss Sterling." He greets carefully. "I'm simply here to welcome you to Rubion. My name is Mr Pulley and I'll be your year coordinator as well as your science teacher for the year. Have you gotten acquainted with your dormitory?" He asks, looking between Celest and I.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Pulley." I respond politely, remembering to enunciate my T's. "Yes, Celest has shown me everything!"

He nods in satisfaction. "Dinner is at 7 in the castle. If you need anything or have any questions, don't hesitate to find me in my office!" He says a sterile smile on his face. I nod and wave as he leaves.

"Well he seems, pleasant." I tell Celest for lack of a better word.

"Yeah he's pretty relaxed for a science teacher." She giggles before relaxing into the couch. We are soon joined by the boys who cram into the one couch, squeezing us to the point where I am basically on Daemon's lap and Celest is happily on Orion's. We talk for hours about everything that had happened lately in our lives; new phones and laptops, Orion's new cat and Thorne getting grounded for insulting Mrs Lockington's newest fling. By 6:45pm everyone begins filing out for dinner.

I almost consider staying here in the security of my friends, rather than conquer the stares that I would undoubtedly receive at the castle, but I couldn't ask my friends to stay and more importantly I couldn't cause a scene. It wasn't in the Sterling nature.

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