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The rest of the day passes rather unimaginatively until around 8pm when we finally retire to the boys' dorm for our movie night.

I have one rule when it comes to movies; you either read the book or watch the movie, but not both. I enjoy being thrust into the plot and riding along on a cinematic or literary wave until the height of the climax before switching it off or closing the cover, and returning to the rest of my life. Daemon and Celest on the other hand, like to revel in the intricacies of the book first and then dissect the similarities and differences in the movies; which more often than not, manifests in loud bemoaning of casting errors and plot holes.

Thorne and Orion decide on a movie after what feels like hours, and finally log onto Netflix to hit play. We set up the laptop so that it is in the middle of the two beds, with Celest and Orion curled up on his bed in the middle of the room, Thorne sitting against the wall in between the beds, and Daemon and I on his bed with my body pressed against the corner of the room.

Hugo's bed stands empty in the other corner, presumably because he saw us walk in. I cringe wondering if he would be sleeping in the common room for the second time because of me, and make a mental note to check on him on my way back to my dorm.

"Popcorn!" Thorne suddenly exclaims as the movie starts playing, and leaps out of his seat and out the door, leaving a chorus of chuckles in his wake.

"Does he ever stop thinking about food?" I laugh, rolling my eyes at Celest, whose head has found its way into Orion's lap. She shakes her head back solemnly, before bursting into giggles. Even Daemon cracks a smile as he moves so that his hand is wrapped around my torso, forcing my head to rest on his shoulder. I take his hand in mine and trace small shapes on it, the way I usually do when I'm nervous, and he immediately snaps his head towards me.

"Daemon," I murmur softly, as I clasp his hand. "You have to talk to me." I try to use a calming voice but there is an audibly irritated undertone, and I realise he picked up on it too when he yanks his hand away from mine and glares at the movie. I take comfort in the fact that his grip is still tight around my waist, although slightly harsher than before. "What's wrong Daem?"

"Nothing's wrong," He starts, shifting on the bed, causing my head to fall from his shoulder and onto his legs with a soft shriek. Normally I would've jumped away, but in the darkness I find myself contentedly staring up at his face. "It's just, we were always supposed to get into the team together and everything." He pauses, looking down almost apologetically. "And I know that's a pretty bad excuse for being such a downer about it and everything, I was just a bit..." He trails off.

"Disappointed." I finish, to put us both out of our misery; how could I forget that this is his dream too?! And here I was gallivanting around while all our friends congratulated me. What did I expect him to do? "Daem, I'm so sorry I didn't even think-"

"No, Bella, this isn't your fault and there's always next year for me." He smiles down at me. "Besides if I was on the team I wouldn't get to be your number 1 fan now would I?" He chuckles happily, as he readjusts me so that I am seated in-between his legs, with my head laying on his chest.

The door cracks open, revealing a grinning Thorne, carrying buckets of popcorn. As he places one on the bed he scoffs indignantly.

"Leave space for Jesus you two!" He points accusingly at us as Celest sniggers.

"What about them!" Daemon whines pointing at Celest and Orion who were practically in the same position. I refrain from slapping Daemon, and remind myself that he didn't realise what he had just set us up for...

"They, unlike you two, " Thorne smirks. "are engaged."

My cheeks immediately flush red as Daemon mutters some nonsense excuse, pulling me up if only to hide his own face from the amused looks of our friends.

Soon the embarrassment subsides and after what feels like hours of watching a movie that never seems to end, Daemon whines from behind me.

"Ok this movie officially sucks." He mutters for what must be the third time.

"Don't be such a baby." I laugh, turning around so I'm lying on my stomach before wrapping my arms around his torso. "You tired?" I murmur as his arms encircle my waist and he shifts so he's practically lying under me.

"Wouldn't you like to know," he grins with a small sigh. And within in minutes, his body goes limp against mine.



Hi everyone! Soooo we finally got something going on between Daemon and Bella, how are we liking it? Should I give our favourite bachelor Thorne a love interest? Comment to let me know your opinions and how your liking it! Also don't forget to leave a vote lovelies xox

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