Part 1: The Clown

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I remember staring at her trying to find out why she looked so familiar. Was she from my school? Encountering a person with scales as skin and crocodile eyes is a really great reason to freak out. But I was calm the moment I saved her from the clown. Susy stared at me and asked about the bubble. I explained to her about the woman who had saved me from the Cero, and my experience on the ship. She started bursting out crying but she was also laughing. "My friends were just murdered by a clown and you're telling me you were abducted by aliens". I started laughing as well because there was nothing else to do except fear what was going to happen next. We were floating in the sky just looking down at the forest and the far away theme park. I was starting to understand things now. The clown on the ship was the same one that had attacked her friends. Did this mean it was an alien disguised as a clown? We kept floating further away from the clown and it was nowhere in sight. We saw more police cars at a house and I started clicking buttons on the device to lower us down. We had finally found help.

As we lowered more to the ground, I recognized Emma who had barely moved into town not that long ago. The officers stared at us in confusion and shock. I clicked the button on the device to open the bubble. The officers were just staring at us without saying a word. Emma stepped away from them and walked towards us. About 50 black balloons started making their way towards the officers. They were floating slowly as if they were thinking of where to go next. All the officers' eyes started turning pure white as their mouths opened wide staring at the sky. Emma, Susy, and I just stared the whole time unaware of what was happening. The strings of the balloons tied around all their left hands. That's when the laughing in the woods near Emma's house became audible. I stared at the woods and saw a man in a clown uniform running towards us. As it kept getting closer its clothes started falling off, and revealing its green skin tone. The scales on its skin became more visible the closer it got to us. I screamed at them to get near me. They obeyed and I clicked the button on the device. The bubble started forming around us, but hundreds of black balloons started surrounding the bubble.

I stared as the little light we had went dim. We were in the dark completely unaware of what we were up against. Susy touched the bubble and yelled "GO AWAY". I thought I was hearing explosions at first, but all the balloons were popping. I turned to look at Susy and she had the same crocodile eyes as the thing that had killed Xavier. She turned to look at me, but they were now normal compared to before. "Are you one of them?". Susy stared at me and said she didn't know what I was talking about. Emma stepped between us and said "I was held hostage in a home across from mine for a couple days. I saw this man murder my mother. How the fuck did I end up here?". The only thing we all seemed to have in common was a traumatic backstory. We all stared at a spaceship hovering over the woods. It shot a light at the ground and I saw a figure levitating in the sky. That's when I heard a voice in the device I was holding. "Tory it's me Pharah. I know you are confused as to what is happening. There are two alien races that have been using Planet Earth to study the human race. Recently there have been arguments about invasions between the two races. I am not the same race as the Reptilians. I see you have new friends with you. and those women were all experiments made by the Reptilian race. Their new leader recently announced that she wants all the experiments terminated. Emma was held hostage by a Reptilian sent down to kill her. Susy and her friends were attacked by a Reptilian who loves roaming Planet Earth as the clown who set the theme park on fire. You were abducted and planned to be killed, but I saved you. Don't trust anyone except each other. The Reptilians can shape shift and resemble anyone who you might know. I'm on my way to get you guys. Stay safe!".

We all stared at each other. I remember seeing tears falling down Emma's face as she stared into the sky. Susy started talking to herself as her mind thought of places we could hide. I told them we should keep ourselves from stressing out. I told them all about my experience on the Cero, and how Pharah saved me from being killed. As I went over my experience I started to wonder. Was Xavier an experiment like me as well? Or was it my fault he died. We all started talking to each other about our lives trying to kill time until Susy screamed "THE THEME PARK!". She said they wouldn't expect us to go there since she had just been attacked there. I controlled the bubble with the device and with her directions we started heading there.

As we arrived at the theme park it was dark except for the light coming from a car that was on fire. Susy looked like she was in a state of shock. I touched her shoulder and asked her if I should start lowering down. Emma got off the bubble first and looked at the abandoned carnival rides with mold growing on them. "Before I was kidnapped I heard some other group of kids had gone missing here. I thought they just ran away because their parents were as awful as mine". I stared at Emma trying to tell her to go easy on her. "Tory we all had crazy shit happen to us and there is nothing we can do about it now". Susy looked at a shattered window and said "Emma's right". As we were having a conversation a bright beam hit us. This better be the person we were expecting.

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