Part 5: Thousands of Problems

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When Blythe told us she would help, we didn't know what she meant. We thought she would help us go somewhere safe. Somewhere we wouldn't be targeted. Instead we stayed at the same little spot in the woods. In the same cabin that smelled like flowers and grass. Blythe gave us code names instead of using our real names in order to protect our identity even though we were secluded from the general population. My code name was Puny. Emma's was Green Eyes. Susy's was Capacity. Blythe started training us separately in the woods. She knew we had powers and would go on about them constantly. "I'm pretty sure these powers or abilities are a result of the human dna and reptilian dna combining during the experiments." Blythe wanted us to master our abilities. She knew there was a huge battle coming.

According to Blythe, Emma was the strongest out of all of us. She had the ability to float in the air like she had no gravity. Her eyes glowed green whenever she used her abilities. Susy was fast at being able to master her ability of moving objects with her mind. She was able to pull out three trees from the ground and throw them in the air without even moving. I struggled with my abilities because I would always feel drained. I constantly challenged myself, but would always end up on the floor. That's why Blythe called me the weakest. Blythe became a mother figure to us in the positive and negative ways. She knew how to get under our skin, but she also knew how to be a loving being. Emma always tried getting into communication with her girlfriend who was way too far from her. "My girlfriend would call me every night to tell me about her day. I wonder if she thinks that I'm purposely ignoring her calls. Or even worse, what if she moved on. I hope she knows I wouldn't just abandon her." I never really opened up about my family because they were never around. My mother would constantly be out, and would always look tired after coming home. My father and mother divorced after they got into an argument about something huge. I never really found out what it was. Susy would go on and on about how she missed her mother's cooking, and her dad singing corridos around the house. Every day we grew closer.

Ever since the training started I would constantly have these weird dreams and nightmares. It was as if they all had messages within them. I had a nightmare where Blythe and Emma were in a physical fight that caused half the nature around us to be destroyed. No one was sure of what my abilities were. They all had it figured out except me. If I focused hard enough I could see colors and auras surrounding objects, but I wasn't sure what to do. I woke up at 3am one night, and it just happened. The room we were sleeping in was pitch black, but I could see the colors all around the room. I focused on a blue color hovering above me, and suddenly I felt different. My chest felt weird. My hands started shaking and I couldn't control anything. The lights in the room were going on and off repeatedly. It woke up Emma and Susy. They were just staring at me until Susy started talking. "You can control it Tory, just focus. Don't get distracted." Emma got closer to me, but suddenly the light bulbs shattered. The gasps of shock filled the air as I saw Emma's eyes glowing in the dark. That's when we heard a loud noise outside. The same noise as the Cero that Pharah had kept us safe in. Blythe walked into our room with a worried look. "Whatever happens you girls stay in here no matter what. Got it!" We all nodded in agreement because we were scared shitless.

We were looking through the window as Blythe approached a Cero landing in the huge land right in the front yard of the cabin. Out of the Cero came three figures. The same three figures who were chasing us, and the reptilians who were trying to kill us. I looked over at Emma and Susy. Emma looked worried, but Susy had a serious angry look on the three figures. As they walked out the Cero they showed their real skin. The sudden change of human skin tones to scales and dark green skin tones sent shivers in my spine. Blythe started showing her true colors as well. The reptilian in the middle started to speak.

"Well it was about time we saw each other again Blythe. I don't understand why you haven't left this planet. It's an embarrassment to the entire universe."

"I prefer to stay on a planet where I have a purpose rather than going around killing innocent people, Adora."

"Innocent... those half blood are anything but innocent. They deserve to die for having our dna. The research Zuri had shows they are threats to us and this planet. Their abilities will kill everyone and everything near them. Talking about the half bloods, we are looking for the final 3 that are living on this planet. Do you happen to know where they are?"

"No, I don't and shouldn't you be with Zuri discussing this matter?"

"Oh you haven't heard? I murdered her. She is no longer our leader, but I am. I know you have these half-bloods somewhere. You have a choice either you turn them in or you deal with the consequences."

Silence. There was nothing but silence after Adora said that statement.

"Fine have it your way"

I focused on the Cero, and the colors appeared again. I focused on the ones surrounding the Cero, and was thinking about the ship turning off. Suddenly the lights inside the Cero were completely turned off. There was complete silence in the spaceship. They all turned to look at the Cero in the confusion. Adora screamed in frustration to the other two, and they immediately went inside the Cero. I turned to Susy and nodded at her.

"Remember how they blew up Pharah before we could save her. They will do the same to Blythe if we don't do something."

"Fine. But if I die, I'm haunting you for the rest of your life."

Emma interrupted

"Don't be stupid. You will get us all killed"

"Too late."

The Cero started to levitate in the sky, but the lights were still completely turned off. Emma walked closer to the window, and her eyes started to glow. She motioned her hands towards the spaceship and it instantly exploded in the air. The huge explosion sent Blythe and Adora feet away.

Adora got up instantly and stabbed Blythe with her sword, and quickly took a jab at the top of her head. Leaving Blythe decapitated.


Emma levitated in the air and crashed through the window to go towards Adora.

"You will pay for the suffering you brought upon my brothers and sisters who had no part in the experiments your leader did on them!"

"I've killed most of them and you won't be a problem"

Susy and Tory started running towards Adora, but they were pushed back by Emma.

"I will finish this by myself."

Emma and Adora started battling each other. Emma used her abilities while Adora clinged to her sword. The fighting was going on for a long time until Adora threw her sword towards Emma. It stopped midair, and I saw Susy focusing on the object. I looked directly at the sword and the colors appeared again. I thought of the sword breaking and disintegrating into dust. That's exactly what happened. Susy stared at Adora who was in complete shock.

Susy yelled, "BITCH!".

Susy motioned her arms to Adora and then threw them up facing the sky. Adora went flying to the sky. Emma floated in the air higher than we had ever seen before. Green orbs started forming around her hands, and she threw them towards Adora in the sky. Nothing but a huge explosion was seen in the sky.

We all stared at each other thinking the problem was over with. We headed towards Blythe's body, but we were interrupted by the same noise from the Ceros. We turned to the sky to see thousands of Ceros approaching us. 

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