Part 2: Three Remain

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I looked up as the light came closer and closer. This time it was a different spaceship from the one I had escaped from. Emma and Susy looked up at the spaceship while still giving each other doubtful looks. The spaceship landed by the theme park, and out came Pharah. The same woman who had saved me from the Reptilians on the Cero. "You guys will have to get on the spaceship if you want to live. No questions! We must head towards Planet 10 immediately". I still tried convincing myself that I was dreaming. The day before I was sitting at home with my parents thinking of which college I would attend. My thoughts were interrupted by Emma and Susy signaling me to get on the spaceship. The entrance was unlike something I had ever seen before. The inside of the spaceship looked so futuristic. Emma looked at us and said, "Well looks like we are flying first class ladies". Susy started laughing, but was immediately distracted by Pharah. The same had happened to me the first time I saw her. Her beauty was unlike anything I had seen before. Her clear white skin and ocean blue eyes just caught your attention.

Emma was looking around the Cero to try and find any type of weapon to defend herself with. Emma made constant jokes, but secretly she was still traumatized from her prior experience. I looked at all my new friends in the spaceship and admired how different we all looked. Emma had clear brown skin and her dark hair matched the smeared dark lipstick on her lips. While Susy had dark red hair and a light brown skin tone. I, on the other hand, had white skin with brown hair. I was confused on how the only thing we had in common was being an experiment from a different species. It was confusing how we all looked different. Should we not look alike? Why do we look so different if we were made by the same species? My thoughts were once again interrupted by Pharah. "I know this is very confusing to all of you. You three are very important to my people. My people are called the Nordics. We thrive on helping different species in the solar systems around us. We want to bring nothing but wealth and improvement to the worlds. The Reptilians want to destroy every species until they are the only ones with power. It starts with destroying their experiments they created. This includes all of you guys. Your mothers were abducted by the Reptilian race before their new leader was crowned. When your mothers were abducted they were already with child. They injected the embryo with their DNA. Then, they simply released your mothers back into the public. The Reptilians are led by a new family that wants to rush the process of killing all the experiments they once created. They have been successful in killing all the experiments on Planet Earth. Except you three".

Susy looked at me and showed me her real eyes. The crocodile eyes I had once seen were now making sense to me. I turned to look at Emma and her eyes looked identical to Susy's. Pharah looked at me and said "You can do the same thing Tory". I didn't know how to activate whatever the hell they were doing. Pharah got up and started heading towards the pilot area. I could feel the sensation of the spaceship taking off from the ground. The sound was so loud, but to my surprise it didn't bother me. I walked over to the area Emma and Susy were sitting at to start a conversation. I looked at Susy and asked her if she used some type of power when she made the balloons pop. Susy replied with "To be honest, I don't know how I did that. When I was younger I was able to do more things like that. As I got older it felt like the feeling was going away slowly". Emma interrupted us by exclaiming "UM HELLO! You guys aren't the only ones who can do cool things". She turned her normal eyes into crocodile eyes once again. Emma got up as her neck started to turn into a green tone. The same scales I had seen on the Reptilian killing my friend were showing up on her body. I screamed at her to stop.

Everything went quiet for a moment when I screamed. Emma and Susy were staring at me as if they were shocked. Susy got up and said "Tory your eyes". I tried looking for a mirror around the spaceship and when I finally found one I stared at myself. I had the same eyes that Emma and Susy had been showing me. Susy and Emma followed me to the mirror. We were side by side when all of our eyes turned into crocodile eyes. Susy grabbed my hand, and I reached for Emma's. Emma held my hand, and there was some type of feeling in my stomach. As if I finally found my people. My family. My friends. My allies. We were the only three experiments left alive, and we had to stick together in order to survive. How did I not know this the whole time? Emma broke the silence by saying we looked badass.

As we stepped away from the mirror all our eyes turned back to normal. Or were the reptilian eyes normal? There was so much going through my head that I felt exhausted. I layed down on some seats and went to sleep quickly. I dreamed of a different planet being attacked by spaceships. I could feel the pain of the people being attacked. The families being broken apart. The sounds of cries and screams. I woke up and noticed my friends were asleep now too. I walked over to the pilot area and saw Pharah. She was asleep too. The spaceship was still moving forward and I looked out into space. It was quiet and dark. I saw an asteroid moving towards us but as it got closer my eyesight got a better glimpse of it. It wasn't an asteroid. It was a smaller spaceship compared to ours. As it got closer to us I could see three figures staring at me from their pilot area. They had evil smiles on their faces. 

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