Part 4: The First Battle

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I was afraid of what was about to happen between us. The Reptilians finally found us, and had nothing but bad intentions. Emma and Susy quickly woke up Pharah after what happened. We told her that the reptilians had landed on Planet 10 before us. She started pressing buttons on the Cero, and the spaceship was going full speed back to Earth. "We can't land on my planet. They will kill thousands of my people. On your planet, they are only after you three." She was interrupted by a bright beam of light behind the Cero. All of us except Pharah ran to the back of the spaceship to see what it was. We saw the three figures in the front of the spaceship again. I looked at Susy and yelled at her. "DO THE SAME THING YOU DID TO THE BALLOONS!" Susy grabbed the glass and closed her eyes. I stared at the three figures until they were all pushed further back into their spaceship. The quick movement of their Cero stopped.

We were back on Earth once again. We were slowly hovering over a huge wooded area when the Cero started making a loud noise. The loud noise was accompanied by flashing red lights, and a huge explosion. Pharah yelled at us to jump off the Cero. My life was replaying in my head the moment I heard her say those exact words. This was how my life ended. I was put out of my weird trance when Emma grabbed my hand. She quickly grabbed Susy's and we all jumped out of the Cero. The screams from all three of us were on both sides of my ears. I looked up at the Cero as it completely exploded in the air. We were almost on the ground. Suddenly the screaming stopped, and I opened my eyes to see Emma floating a few feet above the ground. Her eyes were glowing green instead of the usual crocodile eyes. Instead of letting us go, Emma started moving in the air while holding us. We went further into the wood area. Susy started talking while we were moving. "The Cero exploded. I think Pharah is dead. We could have helped her". Emma threw us on a grass area surrounded by trees, she quickly landed on the ground too. She examined her hands in shock as if she didn't know what she was looking at. "I didn't know I could do that". Susy got up and shoved her hands near Emma while screaming. Emma went flying and hit a tree. "You could have saved Pharah too". I screamed at her to stop, but I was shoved away by her.

Emma got up and her eyes were glowing green again. I suddenly felt my heart beating faster. Everything around me was complete silence. I stared at them both and could see their auras. I could see all types of colors around them. I looked directly at Emma's eyes and said "Sleep". She fell down immediately after the word came out of my mouth. I looked at Susy and said the same thing to her. They were both on the ground in a state of sleep. I looked in shock. I didn't know how that worked or how I was able to do that. I looked at my hands, and they were surrounded by a rainbow of colors. I felt dizzy and tired. I just remembered seeing someone walk towards me before I passed out.

I woke up to Emma and Susy arguing about the altercation they had earlier. I guess they heard me wake up because I was suddenly being asked questions. We were in a small cabin. I got up from the bed I was placed in and started looking around. Emma asked me if I was okay. I could hear her voice, but it sounded far away. Susy interrupted the weird noises in my head by telling me the person who saved us was not going to hurt us. I turned to them and knew I had to fill them in on what happened. "We were going to fall on the ground but Emma saved us. Her eyes were glowing green, and she started moving in the air. She is the reason we are alive. Her and Pharah are the reason we are still here. Susy you got mad at her because she didn't save Pharah. There is no way she could have saved her too. Pharah didn't want to be saved. She wanted us to be safe. We need to stop fighting each other and focus on what just happened. We all have shown our abilities. I was able to make you guys sleep in order to stop you guys from fighting. I could see these colors around you guys. It was beautiful". I was suddenly interrupted by a woman who entered the room.

"Hello my name is Blythe, please sit down you have a huge fever.". This woman had light blue curly hair, but her skin was also blue. "I saw you girls fighting each other in your true forms. I haven't seen people like me in a long time. My parents were from Siria, but they dropped me off here when I was a child. They said it was for my safety." She revealed her blue skin on her arms and face. We showed her our eyes and she immediately had a look of fear. "I know the people we resemble are horrible but-. She interrupted me. "They are not your people. They want you all dead in order to store balance on this planet. In other words, it's easier for them to invade. I will help you guys". 

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