BEFORE YOU READ 01/22/2021

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Hello honey bunnies!

Idk I don't have a name for my readers.

I've received a lot of new readers, and for that, I welcome you guys. Thank you for commenting and voting. It means a lot to me and encourages me to keep going and mature in my writing.

Cutting to the chase. I wrote this short story collection back around 2015. I was a 14 year old One Direction obsessed little girl and I always imagined unrealistic scenarios in my mind. So bad that I'd write myself cute little notes on sticky notes and put them on my mirror. So that when I came home from school, I'd pretend that Harry wrote them to me so I'd have something of him while he was out on tour or at an interview or something. I'm...not proud of those times.

With that being said, the majority of these stories are written around those pubescent times. Going through my first couple of years of puberty, exploring my interest in writing, trying to figure myself out as a writer.

Even my more recent short stories are extremely cringe. I won't spoil for any new readers, but I still get secondhand embarrassment from them. I don't write as often as I used to so I haven't been able to really develop my writing style, I'm still learning things and that's okay.

I definitely encourage feedback, I can take constructive criticism however I do not tolerate bullying. Like I said, most of these stories are almost 6 years old. They're fan obsessed scenarios from a 14 year old. I am now 21 years old. So there's definitely that age gap where I've grown up.

I have gotten some comments about scenes being too graphic. And before, I never put any warnings before the chapter in question. That's the point of why I'm saying all of this today.

There will not be any other warnings.

There are some gruesome scenes, there are mentions and descriptions of drug usage, sexual assault, and blood. There is foul and adult language used as well as 18+ scenes. There are cringy scenes, there are times where you may be uncomfortable, there may be times where you're offended. There are times where you're going to think, "what in the world is this mess?" I'm not sure what all is in here, so I'm going to cover all of the bases and say to please read at your own risk.

I will not be offended if you skip the story.

I just ask that you do not leave any hate comments towards me or my stories.

They're trash and embarrassing but they're mine and I'm learning from them.

Requests are no longer open.

That's all I have to say for now. Happy reading!

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