Chapter 1

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    "Hi, I'm Veronica Lodge, I'll be giving you your tour today."
    Betty smiles, holding her books close to her chest, "I'm Betty Cooper."
    "I know that, Betty Cooper, age seventeen, moved from Greendale."
    Betty giggles, "are you writing a paper on me or something?"
    "No, Weatherbee told me everything I would need to know. What I don't know is what extracurriculars you like, so spill."
    "I don't know, I was home-schooled."
    "Okay, what do you do for fun?"
    "I love to read and write, oh and I sing."
    "Do you like sports?"
    "Well you should totally try out for the cheerleading squad. My friend Kevin is hosting auditions for the school play at the end of the week. Carrie the musical, you should totally try out, I am and so is my Boyfriend Archie. Kevin also writes for the Blue and Gold, the school newspaper, he said they need more editors, I could ask him if he can talk to whoever runs the paper and get you in."
    "Yeah, that sounds fun."
    "Ronnie, wait up!" A man calls from behind them.
    "Kev, this is Betty, she's new."
    "Hey," Kevin smiles, putting an arm over Veronica's shoulders.
    "Betty would like to audition for the school play, oh also I was hoping you could ask that guy with the hat if she could work on the paper."
    "Jones? Sure, he honestly doesn't really care at this point."
    "Betty, Cheer tryouts are after school."
    "Be careful of the Blossom monster," Kevin says as they all reach Veronica's locker.
    "The what?" Betty asks.
    "Cheryl Blossom, she is notoriously bitchy," Veronica says, grabbing her books from her locker.
    "Blossom," Betty breathes.
    "What?" Veronica asks.
    "Your English class is right there, I'll meet you here at lunch, okay?"
    "Okay," Betty smiles at Veronica, walking into the door across from Veronica's locker and sits quietly in the back of the room.
    A girl with Purple hair sits in front of her and a boy wearing a beanie sits next to her. She opens her notebook and starts taking notes as the teacher begins the lesson when the purple-haired girl turns around.
    "Hey, do you have a pen or something I could borrow? I must have dropped mine in the hall."
    "Yeah, sure," Betty reaches into her purse, grabbing a pen and passing it to the girl, noticing a snake tattoo on her arm. "I like your tattoo."
    "Thanks, I'm surprised you didn't spit on me."
    "Everyone hates the serpents, the gang I'm in."
    "Oh, I don't know why, you seem really nice. I'm Betty."
    "I'm Toni and this is Jughead." 
    Betty smiles over at Jughead who half-smiles back.
    "Oh, you're the guy with the hat."
    "I...guess, yeah."
    "Kevin said he would talk to you for me, but I can just do it now, uh, I was wondering if I could join the Blue and Gold."
    "Yeah, sure, what class do you have before lunch?"
    Betty pulls out her schedule and scans it quickly, "Social Studies."
    "I do too, I'll bring you to the Blue and Gold office at lunch and Jughead will get you set up," Toni smiles. "What are you doing after school?"
    "Cheer tryouts, apparently. Veronica told me to try out."
    "I'm going too, we should hang out after. It'll be great. We can order a pizza and watch a movie. Oh, I could introduce you to the serpents."
    "Yeah, that would be great, I only live down the street, after school I'll just drop my stuff off at home and we can go."
    "Awesome, I can't wait. It'll be so much fun."
    "Yeah," Betty smiles.
    "Miss Topaz, Miss Cooper, am I interrupting something?" The teacher asks.
    "Hm? Sorry, no," Betty says, looking down at her paper.

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