Chapter 4

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    "So, how was your date?" Toni asks.
    "Good, we um, we slept together."
    "What? Betty, we talked about this," Toni laughs.
    "I'm sorry, someone dumped a drink on me and we had to wash my clothes, so I was only in his shirt and my underwear and things...escalated."
    "Be careful, Betty."
    "I was, I am. We're going out again tomorrow night."
    "So are you guys dating or something?"
    "Then what are you?"
    "I...I don't know."
    "Are you going to break whatever's going on with Sweetpea and Reggie off?"
    "I guess, but I'm not ready to commit."
    "Why not?"
    "I just," Betty takes a deep breath. "I never got to do anything when I was homeschooled. I want to experience things before I rush into something."
    "Like what?"
    "Like...well, being with a woman."
    Toni turns to Betty, "really? I never would have guessed."
    "I do really like Jughead, I'm just not ready for something serious."
    "Well, anybody would be lucky to have you."
    Betty smiles and feels someone appear on the other side of her, "hey, Betts."
    "Jug, hi," Betty smiles, turning to him.
    "What class do you have?"
    "Music with Grundy."
    "Do you want to go for a walk after school?"
    Betty hesitates, "yeah, sure."
    Jughead smiles, "great, Toni I'll see you at lunch?"
    "Awesome, I have to get to class, I can't be late again. I'll see you two later."
    Jughead runs off and Toni nudges Betty, "so, you two are hanging out again, sounds like it's getting pretty serious."
    "I don't know, I'm just confused right now. He's such a sweet guy and he treats me so well, I just want to experience more before I jump into a relationship."
    "That's fair, I mean, I'm still going through my experimentation phase."
    "Do you have your eye on anyone in particular?"
    "Cheryl Blossom."
    "She's my cousin."
    "Really? How did I not know that?"
    "I haven't told anybody. I don't want people to think that our relationship is what got me on the squad."
    Toni nods as they reach Grundy's class, "this is my stop," Betty says.
    She and Toni say goodbye and Betty goes into the music room where a new teacher stands in front of the class, Archie is sitting across the room from Veronica, who looks like she is about to cry. Betty sits next to Veronica who bursts into tears, hugging Betty.
    "Vee, what happened?"
    "Archie cheated on me with Grundy," Veronica cries in a whisper.
    "I caught them in the music room."
    "Oh my God, Vee."
    "Can we hang out after school?"
    "I had plans, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I push them back."
    "Thank you," Veronica sniffles.

    At lunch, Betty sits in the Blue and Gold office, reviewing an article and making little notes on the sides when Jughead walks in.
    "Jug, I'm glad you're here, I need to talk to you."
    "I can't go for that walk after school. One of my friend's boyfriends just cheated on her and-"
    "I don't need an explanation, we can still go to pops tomorrow, right?"
    "Yeah, that should work."
    Jughead smiles, "how's the article?"
     "It's good, it could use some expansion, but other than that I love it."
    "I find Midge's writing to be very strong, but lacking detail."
    Betty nods, "I agree."
    Jughead takes a seat next to her, looking at her notes, "you're good at this."
    "Thanks," she blushes, avoiding his gaze.
    "You should write some of our articles, I think you would be incredible."
    "Oh, I couldn't."
    "You could, you're an amazing editor, I can only imagine how good you would be when writing."
    "I don't think I have the confidence to-"
    Jughead interrupts her with a kiss. He pulls away, letting his lips hover over hers for a second before brushing their lips back together softly.
    "You're talented, Betty. You don't give yourself enough credit."
    "You're a great kisser."
    He smiles, "thank you, but I'm serious. You really are incredible."
    "Thank you for being so understanding."
    "Of course, who is your friend?"
    "Archie cheated on her?"
    "How did you..."
    "Archie and I used to be friends before he and Veronica got together. She didn't like me, she thought I was weird, so Archie stopped talking to me."
    "What a dick."
    Jughead chuckles, "you could say that."
    "And I will. You're not weird."
    "I was, in grade 9. Squeaky voiced, beanie-wearing, quiet Shakespeare fan."
    "Well, I'm sure you were adorable."
    "I wasn't," he laughs, "but thank you."
    "Am I interrupting something?" Sweetpea asks, knocking on the door as he walks in.
    "No, come in," Jughead smiles.
    "Uh, Betty. Do you want to come with me, quickly?"
    "Oh, um, actually I'm a bit busy right now, editing some articles."
    Sweetpea looks in between Betty and Jughead, "oh, I see. Now you're with the king and suddenly everyone else is irrelevant."
    "Woah, hey. Don't talk to her like that," Jughead says, raising his voice.
    "It's fine, Jughead, really."
    "No, it's not fine. He can't call you that."
    Sweetpea scoffs, leaving the room. Jughead steps forward, intending to go after Sweetpea but Betty pulls him back.
    "It's fine," she insists.
    Jughead cups Betty's cheeks, "it's not. Nobody should treat you like that."
    "Jug, just leave it. I'm used to it."
    "Used to it?"
    "So, uh, I'll see you tomorrow then?"
    "Wait, Betty, what's going on?"
    "I'll see you around, Jughead."
    "Bye," she says, in almost a whisper.
    After school Betty lays next to Veronica -who has stopped crying- and sighs, thinking about Jughead.
    "What are you thinking about?" Veronica asks.
    "Nothing," Betty turns so she and Veronica are face to face.
    "What is it?"
    "Nothing, Vee."
    "I know when something is wrong. What's wrong?"
    "I just feel bad for the way I treated Jughead earlier."
    "Jughead? Why?"
    "He was just trying to stand up for me, but I was upset and just wanted to get out of there. I think I just gave him the impression that I was mad at him."
    Veronica nods.
    "But I don't want to talk about it right now. You're more important."
    "Betty, you're important too."
    "I can deal with it later."
    "Bee, I need a nap. Go talk to him, alright?"
    "Okay, but call me when you want up so I can come back."
    "I will."
    "I promise."
    Veronica rolls over, pulling one of Betty's stuffed animals into her chest. Betty grabs her phone, quietly leaving the room and calling Jughead.
    "Hey, Betty. What's up?"
    "Can we go for that walk?"
    "Yeah, sure. Text me your address, I'll meet you."
    When Jughead gets to Betty's house they walk silently down the street for a few minutes before anyone speaks.
    "I'm sorry I snapped at you. That wasn't fair. I was upset and wanted to be alone and I should have just told you that."
    Jughead grabs her hand, lacing their fingers together, "I understand."
    Betty smiles, "did you drive here?"
    "Yeah, I did."
    "I wasn't sure if you had a car or not."
    "I got a car a few months ago."
    "What kind of car did you get?"
    "Well, it's a truck, actually. A black truck."
    "I pegged you as more of a motorcycle kind of guy."
    "My mom would kill me," he chuckles.
    "Well, trucks are safer."
    He smiles, lightly squeezing her hand. "Listen, uh, I know your play audition is tomorrow and we have plans after, but my sister just told us about a recital. She dances."
    "Oh, that's okay. We can hang out another time."
    "Actually, I was wondering if you would like to come to the recital. I could pick you up from auditions and don't have to if you don't want to."
    "I would like that. How old is your sister?"
    "Ten, and I have another sister who's five."
    "Oh, that's so sweet. Does she dance too?"
    "No, she uh," Jughead laughs, looking down at his feet, "she likes to play beauty parlour. She paints my nails, puts make-up on my face, the whole nine yards."
    "That's adorable."
    "Yeah, she's pretty sweet."
    "What are their names?"
    "Jellybean is the dancer and Astrid is the make-up artist."
    "Jellybean, that's unique, I like it."
    "She goes by Jellybean, her actual name is Forsythia. Just like mine is Forsythe."
    "Forsythe, Forsythia and Astrid. I like it."
    "Not a lot of people do."
    "I think it's really cool."
    Jughead smiles, "I'm going to stop in here, do you want anything?"
    Betty looks at the 7-11 next to them and bites her bottom lip, thinking. "No, I'm good."
    "Are you sure? I don't mind."
    "Yeah, I'm sure."
    "Okay, I'll be right out."
    Betty smiles, letting go of his hand. He comes back out holding two slurpys and passes her one.
    "I know you said you didn't want anything, but I thought I would get one for you anyway. If you don't like it I can just give it to my sister later or...something."
    "Thank you," Betty smiles, taking the slurpy.
    Jughead smiles, grabbing her hand again and continuing their walk. "Do you wanna come see my truck?"
    "Yeah, sure."
    They turn around, walking back to Betty's house. They continue down the street for a minute before reaching his truck.
    "Do you wanna see the inside?" He asks.
    "Jughead Jones, is this a ploy to get into my pants?" Betty jokes and Jughead laughs along.
    "If I was, I would be so obvious about it."
    They both get in the truck and Betty looks around, "wow, this is nice."
    "Listen, Jug, um."
    "Oh no."
    "Let me guess, it was a one-time thing, you don't like me that way, blah blah blah."
    "No, that's not what I was going to say."
    "Then what?"
    "Well, I was going to say, I really, really like you, but I'm not ready for a relationship yet."
    "That's okay, I can wait."
    "You're the best," Betty smiles, kissing him on the cheek.

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