Chapter 8

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    "Evelyn? Weird, I didn't know she was seeing anyone."
    "I know, I think he's just doing it to get a reaction from me."
    Tabitha sighs, "it's working."
    "Of course it is. It pisses me off that he would drop that on me and then just kiss me like that."
    "Maybe he was upset. He did walk in on you with someone else."
    "I guess, but he didn't have to lie."
    "What if he isn't lying?"
    "Then he's a cheating bastard who will cheat on me just as fast as he would cheat on her."
    "I still think he likes you. You should give him a shot. You love his family, his gang, his d-"
    "Woah, okay, that's not the point. I don't want to go into a relationship starting with lies and or cheating."
    "I still think you should give him a shot."
    "Yes, you should talk to him."
    "Yeah, you're right."
    "Right now, he's coming this way. Bye."
    "Jug, can"
    "Sure, we should go somewhere more private."
    "Isn't your truck parked outside?"
    "Yeah, come on."
    Betty and Jughead sit in the front seat of his car. "Did you lie?"
    Jughead sighs, "yes."
    "I...I wanted you to think I moved on too."
    "So you did it to hurt me?"
    "I guess, yeah."
    "I...I guess I was trying to protect myself from getting hurt. I don't know why I did it."
    "We can't be together if you're going to lie to me."
    "Are you saying I have a chance?"
    "I like you, Jug. A lot. But I can't be with you if you're going to lie to me."
    "I won't, I swear."
    Betty turns her head to face him. "Then, can we try, maybe being together?"
    Jughead smiles, kissing her. "What about Tabitha?"
    "We aren't together."
    Jughead smiles, "It feels like you've been gone forever."
    "I was never gone," Betty smiles, kissing him.

[Sorry for the short chapter and slow updates. I really haven't been enjoying Riverdale and it's hard writing fanfiction about a show you don't enjoy. I will keep doing it because I know what it's like to be reading a story and then it just ends suddenly, but the updates might be slower now.]

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