Chapter 2

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Warning: Extremely smutty 

    "Sweetpea, this is Betty, she's here to talk to Jughead, I have detention again," Toni rolls her eyes.
    "Okay," Sweetpea smiles at Betty, leading her into the empty Blue and Gold office. "I guess Jones isn't here yet, you can just hang out here."
    "Hey, wait," Betty grabs Sweetpea's arm. "You should stay, for a bit."
    Sweetpea smirks, "sure, what's up?"
    "Are you a serpent, like Toni?"
    "Yeah, my tattoo is on my chest. Wanna see it?"
    "Sure," Betty blushes.
    Sweetpea pulls off his shirt and Betty stares wide-eyed at his tattoo. She runs her fingers over the outline of the tattoo.
    "You're very beautiful, Betty."
    "And you're very handsome."
    Sweetpea's lips crash against Betty's, closing the gap between them. Sweetpea lifts Betty, putting her down on a desk. He groans into her lips, tightly gripping her hips, pulling her closer to him. 
    "Hey, new girl. No making out on desks during school hours," Jughead says, putting his laptop down on a desk. "Sweetpea put your shirt on."
    "Sorry, Jughead," Betty says, jumping off of the desk and walking over to him.
    "Well, I don't blame Sweetpea, however, maybe it wasn't the best time."
    Betty blushes, staring at her feet, "so, what can I help with?"
    "Well, we need some editors, so you can do that job if you want."
    "I would love that."
    "Well then, I'll just get out of uh, your way." He says, gathering his things and leaving the room.
    Betty turns around, smiling awkwardly at Sweetpea. He chuckles, shifting slightly.
    "That was nice," Betty smiles at him.
    "Yeah, I would love to do that again. Soon."
    "Me too."
    "Maybe we could get a little further next time," he says, kissing her again.
    "Sweetpea, we just met. I'm not that kind of girl, usually."
    "I need a favour..."

After School

    "So, I heard you and Sweetpea were pretty close at lunch. What was that all about?" Toni asks, walking next to Betty as they enter the Wyrm.
    "Oh, yeah, I don't really know. He showed me his serpent tattoo and one thing led to another."
    "Betty, you should totally get a tattoo."
    "Oh, I don't know. If my parents saw I think I would be murdered."
    "You wouldn't get one where they can see."
    "Then where?"
    "Rib cage, inner thigh, butt, boob. We should get matching tattoos, it will be so cute."
    "We met today."
    "Come on, live a little."
    "What the hell, let's do it. What should we get done?"
    "The outline of a heart. I've seen those before, they're adorable."
    "Yeah, but I also want one on my ankle."
    "Okay, what is it?"
    "A little ghost."
    "Too cute!" Toni exclaims, "come on, I'll get us a couple of shots and-"
    "Shots? Like, alcohol?"
    "Yeah, have you never had a shot before?"
    "No, not exactly."
    "Well, you'll love it."
    Betty smiles.
    "Oh, hey. How did cheer tryouts go?"
    "Good, I guess. Do Cheryl and Veronica not get along or something?"
    "No, not at all. Veronica challenges Cheryl any chance she gets, why?"
    "Well, we both got callbacks, because Cheryl wants us to try a specific cheer, but I don't know, it didn't look good for Veronica."
    "I'm sure it will be fine. Cheryl may not like Veronica, but she is always fair."
    "How did you do?"
    "Good, Cheryl said she loved my dance and I should come back and do that cheer she gave you guys."
    "Hello ladies, tell me the body part and the tattoo and I'll get it done," a woman says as they reach a small room in the back of the bar.
    "We want matching heart outlines on the sides of our boobs and she wants a little ghost on her ankle."
    "Oh, there's one more thing, but it's kind of private if you know what I mean," Betty says and the woman nods.
    "Do you two want any piercings today?"
    "Betty, you should get a couple, they're super cheap and barely hurt."
    "I don't know."
    "Your shots," a man says, passing Toni and Betty a shot each.
    Betty drinks her shot quickly, cringing slightly, "I want a belly button piercing and a tongue piercing."
    "Topaz, what about you? Not that you can pierce many more places without your aunt and uncle seeing."
    "None for me today, Betty are you okay? I didn't think that shot would make you this-"
    "Another!" Betty yells at the man, who chuckles, walking over to the bar and getting another shot.
    "Okay, you two should be all healed in about a month," the woman says as Betty and Toni leave the room.
    Betty leans on Toni, "another shot, good sir," she slurs.
    "Oh, no. That's enough for you. Give me your phone, I'm texting your parents and telling them you're staying with me tonight."
    Betty passes Toni her phone and Toni messages Betty's parents.
    "Shit, my aunt and uncle are out of town, I've been staying with Jughead. Are you cool hanging out there?"
    "Okay, let's go," Toni says as Betty takes a shot from the counter, downing it.
    "Toni, what the hell happened to her?" Jughead asks as they get to his apartment.
    "She had her first shot, and then her tenth, got two piercings and three tattoos and threw up in my car, let us in."
    Jughead sighs, helping Toni carry Betty into the apartment and they drop her on the spare bed with a bucket next to her. Toni sighs, sitting down on the couch with Jughead next to her.
    "Remind me to only let her drink when there's a limit."
    "Oh, no. Why would I want to miss this shit show?"
    Toni laughs, "because you're my friend and you care about me."
    "Touche. What tattoo did you get?"
    "A little heart on the side of my boob, Betty got the same."
    "Sweet, so your little friend in there is pretty innocent, isn't she?"
    "Yes, and off-limits."
    "Oh come on, I bet I could get her to sleep with me no problem."
    "There is one problem."
    "Which is?"
    "Just leave her, okay. She's a good person, as far as I can tell."
    "Hey, sleeping with me isn't bad, you remember, don't you?"
    "Barely, I guess it was just overshadowed by women who are just...better."
    "Well, maybe I should remind you," Jughead says, kissing Toni.
    "Jug, this is wrong."
    "But it feels so good," he says into her lips.
    "You're right," She says, crawling into his lap.
    Jughead slides his hands up her skirt, pulling off her underwear and throwing them onto the ground. He moves his fingers down, rubbing her clit, teasingly. Toni rolls her hips letting her head fall back slightly. Jughead kisses her neck, sucking gently on her skin, leaving small marks behind.
    "There's a condom in, in the um, in the drawer over there," Jughead says, pointing across the room at an end table.
    Toni gets up, speeding over to the drawer and grabbing a condom, tossing it to Jughead, who unbuttons his pants, pulling out his large member and sliding the condom on and pulling Toni back into his lap. She slowly lowers herself onto his hard cock. She moans softly in his ear, riding him faster.

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