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( 10.30, schools bathroom. Chanhee POV)

I sat there on the toilet not caring that younghoon was now staring at me like a deer in headlights "nghh hoonie~" I moaned gripping onto the empty toilet paper slot next to me "h-help me out pleasee" I said in between my moans.

He stepped forward and leaned down so his face is as level as mine, hand reaching out to move a few strands away from my face "what do you need help with baby?" He asks his surprised expression now replaced with a smirk

"touch me" I said while burying my head at the crook of his neck "you have to be more specific babe" Younghoon said staring at me waiting for my answer "touch my dick" I answered shortly "hm, where are your manners princess" My dick twitched at the pet name, I always wanted for someone to call me that "pleasee" I whined out "I don't know if should tho, it looks like you already pleased yourself enough with that vibrator" He said teasingly "no no! It's not enough please just touch me anywhere you want I'll do anything you say please hoon" I was desperate for this. I don't care about the embarrassment I'm going to feel, that's future for chanhee to handle.

(No one's POV)

"Okay then princess, as you wish" Younghoon said before closing the gap between them and kissing chanhee's soft pink lips, the kiss was messy, their tongues and teeth clashing against each other's. Chanhee moaned into younghoon's mouth feeling the older's hand pumping his cock "you like that" The ravenette said moving his hand faster "mmmh, y-yes love it" Younghoon fastens his pace as chanhee whines and moans like a porn star, the sound was like an echanting melody to younghoons ears he could just hear it over and over again without getting bored. He pushed chanhees back onto the toilet seat so he could kiss him at a more comfortable position.

He detached his lips from chanhee's  moving onto the younger's neck and collar bones "a-akh hyuung~ don't leave marks there's nothing to cover them up with" The shorter whined out a protest "okay, I won't" The taller simply said.

Younghoon fastens his pace making chanhee let out a high pitched moan "m'gonna c-cum" Chanhee whined out "can I cum p-pleaee Hyung" He looked at the older with teary eyes from how good the feeling was "cum for me princess" And with those words chanhee spilled all over younghoons hand some getting onto his own shirt.

Chanhee whimpered with oversimulation because of the toy that was still vibrating inside of him "remote" The younger barely whispered pointing to the tiled floor where the vibrator remote was. Younghoon picked it up and turned of the vibrator pocketing the remote to make sure that he didn't lose it. "Are you okay baby" The taller said kneeling down to check on chanhee, cupping the pink head's face with his clean hand "yeah I'm fine" The pinkhead responded

"Wait here okay, I'll get some tissues so you can clean up" chanhee just nodded at what the other said still trying to come down from his high. He shifted a bit from his seat, legs a bit sore from being in the same position for too long, he didn't bother taking out the vibrator. After a while younghoon came back with a roll of toilet paper in his hands "sorry it took so long" He apologized while pecking chanhee's forehead "it's okay" Chanhee said draping his arms around younghoon's neck staring at the beauty in front of him while younghoon wipes the cum stains of the younger's crew neck as best as he could "I think you have to tuck in ur shirt some of your come got on it" Younghoon explained looking up to see chanhee looking at him with adoration in his eyes, without chanhee realising youghoon was already stating back at him with the same amount of adoration in the taller's eyes.

Chanhee just nuzzles his face onto younghoon's shoulder while whining out of shyness "c'mon babe, we have to go to class" Younghoon giggled while picking chanhe up bridal style "aah Hyung put me down, I can walk just fine" The pink head protests "okay if you say so" The ravenette put chanhee down and walked with him to the hallways.

"So what class do you have next" Younghoon said wrapping his arm around the younger's waist "physics, but can we just skip" Chanhee, asks the taller "we can't, you already skipped school yesterday" Younghoon said pinching chanhee's nose "but whyy, I hate physics" The younger said crossing his arms "maybe next time okay" The older responded with aa thin smile on his lips.

"Wait, what are we going to say to the teacher" Chaahee asks stopping a few feet away from the physics classroom "just tell her that you fainted in the restroom" Younghoom said calmly "okay then" Chanhee answered side hugging younghoon and messing his clothes up a bit so it looks kind of believable.

Hai hai readers, hope you liked that smut scene sorry if it wasn't what you expected. And also something different is going to happen in chapter 9/10 so please look forward to that. hope you enjoy the story have a great day/night and tysm for reading this -Lyra-

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