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(14.50, history class. Younghoon's POV)

Last class of the day, history. I don't exactly dislike it but I don't enjoy the subject either I just don't get why we need to learn it. It's pretty useless in my opinion

"Ok class that's it for today, you can go home now" the teacher said interrupting my inner monologue. After Mr. Cho said that students started pouring out of the classroom hurrying to go home since it was the the last subject of the day and almost everyone was tired by now. He teacher grabbed a few things off his desk and went out of the classroom with a tired sigh, not even caring to say a goodbye to the remaining students in his classroom like he always does.

"Huh, that's weird" I said confusion evident in my tone "what's weird" hyunjae piped up beside me, pulling out his phone from his backpack and started to text someone "Mr. Cho never dismisses us early" I said glancing to my right to see hyunjae grinning at his phone screen like an idior "I don't know maybe he's just tired" hyunjae said not once glancing up from his phone screen

We packed our things and started to go out the class room. While we're passing by the lockers Hyunjae stopped walking and looked at me for a second "Juyeon and I are going out, you wanna come with us?" He asked me "no it's fine, you guys can just go on your date I have something else to do" I lied, I actually just don't want to be a third wheel  but hyunjae doesn't need to know that

"Do things like what?" Hyunjae asks suspicious of my words "just things" I said trying to avoid making eye contact with him "you're definitely lying" he said brushing it off, going back on his phone and started walking ahead of me. I jogged a little to catch up to him and opened my mouth to protest but before I could say anything I heard my phone ring, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and pressed the green button to answer. I kept walking beside hyunjae while putting the phone up to my ear "hello?" I said waiting for the person on the other line to answer

"Hey hoon, can I come over to your house to do the project?" Chanhee said on the other side of the line "yeah of course, at what time?" I asked while grinning from ear to ear. I was so happy to see chanhee again even tho we just saw eachother a few hours ago "is 3:15 okay?" He said "yeah it's fine, I'll see you there" I said skipping a bit to catch up with hyunjae who was already near the school gates "yeah see you" and with that chanhee ended the call.

"Who was that" hyunjae said a smirk displayed on his face "it was chanhee, he wanted to come over to do the project at my house" I answered now walking with a normal pace "I thought you already had "other things" to do" he said emphasizing the word "other things" "well now those other things are replaced by doing a project with chanhee" I replied "yeah-yeah sure" hyunjae replied in a teasing tone "don't you have a date to go to?" I asked sarcastically "oh yeah shit, thanks for reminding me bye see you tomorrow" he said while running off to his date with juyeon. I just smiled to myself and started walking back home as fast as I can, I'm looking forward to seeing chanhee.

Hai hai readers, my mom took my phone for the whole day so I couldn't post this at the time I wa supposed to so yeah, and also possible smut warning for the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed this vote and comment if you want -Lyra-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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