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i'm standing infront of moonbin's house, thinking whether i should knock on his gate or just go home and let fate solve my problem

"what am i even doing here?" i hit my head like an idiot "ugh you stupid naeun"

someone suddenly came "what are you doing?"
"ya! you scared me"... "i should be asking that question? mr yoon?"
"i went for a walk to get some fresh air"
"oh..." .. "well i- i'm here to talk to moonbin"
i moved closer to his gate and was about to knock
"wait-" he said
i froze "uh?" i looked at him confused "why?"
"i was actually gonna ask you for a coffee? somewhere?"

my brain suddenly stopped functioning

"the cafe nearby... let's go" he grabbed my arm pulling me away from moonbin's house

"you're getting weird each day..." i said
"what? weird? it's you"
"ME?? well.. i guess you're right"
he chuckled

we entered the cafe and sat down
"woah this place is cool" i said
both of us ordered drinks.

"oh right.. i forgot to give your jacket back, here" i handed him the paper bag with his jacket inside
"oh you brought it?"
"i was gonna give it to you after i talk to moonbin.. but yea since you're with me now i thought i'd give it to you already"
"ah... thanks..".... "oh, my ipod is here.. i forgot about it"..."did you look through it?" he asked
"i-i didn't... no don't worry" i didn't tell the truth since he looked worried, he probably doesn't want me to know about the playlist titled with my name...

our drinks came
"woaaah looks delicious!!" i said
we both took a sip into our drinks and talked about random things again.
"by the way.. i was gonna ask you this, but if you're not comfortable with it, it's fine" i said
"what is it?"
"about the song umji sang at the music festival.. after that, you went out, walked away and started crying"
"oh... well, it's actually a song i wrote for my mom.. who died, i wrote it beside umji that's why she knows the song"
"you two must've been really really close huh" i took a sip on my coffee
"did you like the stuffed toy?" he changed the topic
"uhm.. yea, pikachu is my favorite"
both of us laughed
"my brother wants it too because it's also his favorite character but you know i can't just give it to him because you gave it me and it's very special to me so i can't just give it away" i laughed.
i then noticed he was taking pics of me the entire time i was telling my story
"yaaa what are you doing"
he keeps on laughing while looking at his phone
"aaaa i'm embarassed stop" my whole face started to feel hot and red so i covered it with both of my hands


ddanalgi21 pretty isn't she?

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ddanalgi21 pretty isn't she?

d: ohhh she is!!!
k: oppa who is sheeeeeeeeㅠㅠㅠ
p: girlfriend???? O.O
s: i'm jealous!!!! :((
n: oppa!! why didn't you tell us you have a girlfriend???
q: can i have her instead?? pretttyyyyy!!
y: show her full faceㅠㅠ


"ya!! are you posting it somewhere?" i tried stealing his phone
"no i'm not" he laughed
"then why are you laughing, give me your phone!! i'm gonna kiss you again if you don't give it to me"
"do it then" he said
i stopped reaching for his phone and froze for a few seconds "huh are you crazy, why would i do that" i crossed my arms
"well, i don't know you just said it"
"if i said it, it doesn't mean i'll do it"
"alright" he smiled

woah he must be out of his mind... i think i'm gonna vomit my heart, it's beating like crazy. it's gotten really hot in here... is the air conditioner even on??? why is it so hot??
he's on his phone smiling like an idiot, what is he looking at? my pictures? do i look that ugly?? or is it the comments?? ugh this is making me overthink so much.. while he's busy on his phone, i pinched his thigh under the table

"AAAAAH" he screamed so loud and it was very high pitched
i pretended to do something
"ya! what was that for?"
"what? what do you mean?" i tried containing my laughter
"you just pinched me, stop pretending you don't know" he laughed
"i really don't know what you're talking about"
we were both laughing then someone stood beside our table

"you guys look like you're having so much fun?" umji said
our laugh disappeared and the atmosphere got so awkward.
"what are you doing here" sanha looks really intimidating when he gets serious
"well, i heard they make good coffee, so i checked it out and what a surprise.. both of you are here"... "oh right i have something to give you, it's a cap" she handed sanha the paper bag, "i know you love caps, we used to wear couple caps before do you remember? you even have a whole collection in your room" she added

sanha looked reaaaalllyyy annoyed

it was super awkward and i felt left out that i had to leave

why is umji always showing up when me and sanha are together?!

why is umji always showing up when me and sanha are together?!

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"ahh.. my mom is calling me, i should go now. thanks for inviting me sanha" even though my mom wasn't calling me, i had to think of an excuse to leave.

"naeun" sanha tried to stop me from leaving

i smiled at both of them and left the cafe.
i was walking on my way home then what a surprise... moonbin is here

both of us just stood there and stared at each other,
then he continued walking like he doesn't know me
"moonbin, why did you walked past me"
he didn't stop walking. I ran to him and grabbed his arm "i'm sorry"
"it's okay" he said not turning around "you're still mad... here i have nesquick for you.."
he turned around and grabbed the nesquick "you know me too well" he smiled
"of course... duh" i smiled

both of us walked around the neighborhood... just like when we were kids.

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