15 : after 49 confessions

56 4 3

- february 14 -

"hm... what should i give to sanha for valentines??? well.. yea i mean he's not my boyfriend but like i still wanna give me something..." i asked myself

should i ask on astrogram? yea let's do that.


naeunieechuu Hey! so um.. it's valentines right? i'm planning to give something to the loml but i don't really know what to give... can you guys help me?

g: what does he like?
k: what is he interested to?
l: lol give him bugs
p: a kissㅋㅋㅋㅋ
w: chocolates !!!

hm.... what is he interested to?? i dont know?? give him BUGS??? that would scare him..... a kiss??? a big no no, he'd probably be awkward around me if i do that.. chocolate? he's allergic to chocolatesㅠㅠ

WHAT DOES HE LIKE???? wait i do remember he like strawberries... he told me that one time when we were talking about random things... we both LOVE strawberries, that one of the things we can relate to.

yea.. i'll give him a box full of strawberry flavored food inside YES I WILL DO THAT.

before going to school i went to the convenience store and bought 1 each of every strawberry flavored food i see, strawberry milk, strawberry sandwich, actual strawberries, strawberry flavored soda and i also have this extra strawberry phone case, it was a buy one get one so had one extra... luckily we use the same phone then i put them inside the box, i decorated it with lots of hearts and wrote a letter
sanhaa~ happy valentines day, i know you won't like me back but yea i still like you. that's all. <3
ps. i know you like strawberry so enjoy^^


"woah.. what's with that box??" moonbin asked
"aaa it's nothing"
"let me see" he tried stealing the box but i moved it away from him "yaaa stopp!!"
he stole the letter on top of the box instead
"NO NOT THE LETTER" i panicked
he was laughing as he stops me from stealing the letter from him

"sanha-" he immediately stopped as soon as he read "sanha"
"that's for sanha?" he asked
"y-yea.." i grabbed the letter and left

that was really embarassing.. sigh
i put the box under my chair so no one can see it, i'll give it to him when first class ends and when everyone is gone.

"alright class, happy valentines day, don't forget to tell someone you love them or confess to someone you love! today is your chance" he said
an hour later

our professor left after discussing todays topic.

my heart starts pounding, i'm getting nervous.
i patiently waited for everyone to leave the room.

"aren't you coming?" lia asked me
"i'll catch up, i just need to do something"
"alright, see you then" she smiled

i let out a deep sigh

sanha suddenly stood up, i grabbed his arm

he looked at me "why?"
i whispered to him "i like you"
"yea i know" he said
"u-hhhh im gonna give this to you.." i grabbed the box under my chair and hand it to him

he stood there and he didn't know how to react

"happy valentines day" i couldn't look at him so i left the room looking at the floor.
why do i keep embarrassing myself, ugh i've been confessing to him for almost a year now and he still doesn't like me back lol what am i doing wrong, well i mean he doesn't have to like me back but you know...
sigh whatever i gave him the box so that's all that matters.

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