13: part time job

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i've been scrolling all day on my laptop trying to find a part time job so that i could earn money for the future and so i could buy a new camera.

"ugh why is it so hard to find a job" i sighed
i called moonbin on the phone "hey, mentioned something yesterday about a job right? what was it again?"
"you literally called me so early in the morning just to ask that" he answered
"ssssorry but i really need to get a job so just help me pwease?"
"alright, it's the cafe nearby, they're looking for new people to hire"
"ohhh thanks aloooot"
"why are you looking for a job though?"
"i was just thinking what to for the week break"
"that's it?"
"yea lol, what about you?"
"i don't know maybe just eat and sleep"
"i'm gonna hang up now.. thanks for telling me mwah" i ended the call

i looked through their site and printed all the paper requirements needed to apply for the job.
and guess what? i got the job !!
*kring* door opens
"welcome sir"..."may i take your order?"
"can I have one medium sized americano?"
he seemed to be looking for someone
"is that all?"
"uh yes"
"name please?"
"kang younghyun"
i wrote his name on the cup "that would be ₩2,919.81"
he reached for his wallet and gave me the money
"thank you, please wait at the side, i will just call your name when you order is ready"
"by the way, there's this one girl who works here.. uhm her hair is brown, she wears glasses.. where is she?"
"ah.. you mean hyejin?"
"hyejin? so that's her name.."
"why? is there something wrong sir?"
"uhm.. nothing, cool thanks"
*kring* door opens
"welcome-" i froze to death and my eyes automatically followed him


he was looking for a vacant table, and didn't even bother to order. i was about to walk towards him but then umji came, i stopped and went back to the counter..

why is umji here? and sanha?
umji sat where sanha's table was at. i tried my best to listen to what they're talking about

"talk" -sanha
"it's not only me who wants you back, my parents too" - umji
"i told you already, it's done. we're done. and i am not planning on getting back together again"
"you don't even have a choice, my parents want you back they also want you to be my future husband" -umji


"tell them i don't want" -sanha
sanha stood up but umji grabbed his arm
"sanha please listen to me" -umji
"let go" -sanha
"is this because of that naeun girl??" -umji
sanha froze "i said let go" he then left the cafe.

well... i didn't hear anything clear except for the future husband part.. so i guess i really don't have a chance to be with him until i grow old.
lol what did i even expect, of course sanha won't choose me, because i'm very simple, i am annoying and ugly plus umji was his ex girlfriend so my chance? you say?
umji stood up and went to the counter where i was.
"naeun?" she smiled at me "i didn't expect you to be here.... are you working?"
"ah.. y-yes" i looked down
"of course... i have something to tell you" she leaned towards me
"what is it?" i asked
"don't ever get close to sanha.. or else"
"or else what?"
she didn't say anything after and just smiled.

dude.. she's creepy as hell. you mean that's sanha ex gf?? are you for real? she's even threatening me. that's unbelievable.
before leaving the shop i mopped the floor and wiped the tables.

after working all daaay, i went to the convenience store and grabbed my favorite yogurt and ramen.
i went to the cashier and placed my money on the counter

then someone placed money as well
"i'll pay for it" moonbin said
"what? no this is my food, i'm paying for it"
"no keep your money, i'll pay" he put my money inside my bag and gave his money to the lady.

i was so hungry i slurped my noodles nonstop

"eat slowly, you're gonna choke" he said
"oh.. sorry, i'm just really hungry"... he opened my yogurt and gave it to me "how's the job?" he asked
"well it's.. okay" i drank the yogurt "woah, this is so delicious i think i'm gonna cry"
"then cry?" he said

well... i faked cry

"naeun stop, i'm cringing so hard" moonbin looked away
"sorry" we both laughed

Sanha's POV:
i couldn't stop thinking about what umji said earlier. all of them are selfish, they didn't even tell me about it and they decided on their own.
this is not the umji i know before.. she used to be sweet, caring, i loved bragging that she's my girlfriend, but now.. i'm kinda regretting that i used to do that.

someone knocked on my room "oppa.. i don't feel well.." yeji said "oh..?" i moved towards her a feel her forehead "ah.. you have fever".... "stay here i'll buy you medicine okay?" i stood up and grabbed my jacket and went out.

i went to the nearest pharmacy store and bought medicine for yeji..

"should j buy her chocolate milk as well?" i asked myself. i went to the convenience store.. then i saw naeun and moonbin laughing together..

i let out a big sigh "shouldn't have come here."

i turned around and went to a different convenience store.
"yeji-ah, drink this medicine and rest, you'll be okay" i gave her the medicine and a glass of water "i also bought your favorite chocolate milk so get better soon" i left her room and closed the door.


i went home feeling extremely exhausted, but moonbin made everything a bit better.
"eomma, what's for dinner" i asked
"your favorite kimchi stew"
i got excited and quickly sat on the dinner table.
"ya that's my seat" dongmin shouted at me
"what are you saying, this chair doesn't even have your name" i rolled my eyes
"by the way naeun-ah.. i found this online, you want to study photography right?" my mom said
"oh... yes, what is it?" my mom showed her phone
"study abroad?" i was shocked when i read the description
"yes... they also have workshops there, so you could improve your skills" she smiled
"but we don't have money?"
"we have actually.." she laughed
"oh.. then what about you and dongmin?"
"we'll be fine, don't worry about us"
"uhm.. i'll think about it"
"you better decide quickly because you still need to register your name and it will soon close"

i sighed.

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