Lilith's guest

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Well I think my girlfriend is gonna break up with me probably used me for what she needed already emotionally broken another thing to add to the emotional pain I gotta carry but it won't matter if I get to sing wallerman with my friends only if they liked sea shanties.. or do they?))

Uh where were we... oh here we go ahem haven't done this in like days so.. the next day.. did I do good? When do I get my paycheck?

Luz was already up looking out her window playing with a little marble she rolled back and fourth.

The door opened and Eda stood at the door "kid we gotta talk" Eda said as Luz turned to face her confused..

Luz sat at a chair as Eda walked and sat on another chair that faced luz "kid.. you Lilith was talking to me.. she told me you and that blight.. told me you liked her she liked you and.. well you know the story.." Eda said holding her hands together as Luz sat back and relaxed "yea and?" Luz said as she looked Eda in the eyes "I told you blights gonna break your heart.. but I Gotta say dating a blight that's not easy.. but if ya need a talk about it I'm here and so is Lilith" Eda said as she got up patted Luz's shoulders and walked away.

Later.. yea I think I got the hang of it.. haha later I like this I feel good author finally got me back to say... later hah finally gonna get a chance to do the spongebob time cards where they say.. 5 minutes later

Luz was downstairs making a peanut butter jelly or pp&j if you feel fancy

Lilith opened the front door "hey luz I got a surprise!" Lilith said with a smile "if it's another one of Eda's... toys.. I don't want it" luz said as she made the sandwich and sat down at the table not making eye contact "WHAT!" Eda yelled from downstairs

"No it's amity!" Lilith said as she shoved amity into the living room the two girls made eye contact before luz broke it to look at Lilith "wh-what why would bring her you know what she done do to me!" Luz raised her voice "hey hey calm down kid you know it ain't polite to yell when we have a guest over" Lilith said "polite my ass I want her out! She broke my heart I don't want to be with her not until I'm ready to forgive her!" Luz yelled "you won't be forgiving me when you keep on yelling at my mentor Nocida" amity said crossing her arms "shut it blight" luz said

Before they know it Lilith shoved the two girls into Luz's room and closed it blocking the door so they can't get out.

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