Battle of Mustafar 02/06🔥

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Anakin pov

"You underestimate my power!" I yell up at Obi-Wan.

"Anakin don't try it..." Obi-Wan says, turning off his lightsaber.

Without a second thought, I leap off the droids head and almost land on top of him, knocking his lightsaber hilt out of his hand.

Obi-Wan uses the force to make his lightsaber fly back to him.

"I was right about you!" I cry, holding my blade in front of me. "You came here to kill me!"

"No, Anakin, I did not."

"Then why are you standing here?" I demand.

"I came here to save Padmé."

"Only I can do that!" I glare at him.

"I came here to save Padmé... from you." Obi-Wan says slowly.

"From me?" I say incredulously.

"Yes, Anakin, from you." Obi-Wan frowns, and takes a deep breath. "But not from Anakin Skywalker, from Darth Vader."

"What do you mean?" I ask, lowering my lightsaber a little.

"I mean that what you will become can be stopped, and the boy I met on Tatooine is still here, and he is standing in front of me right now. Anakin, please, stop this... You don't know what you are doing." Obi-Wan says softly.

"Yes I do!" I reply defiantly.

"No, Anakin, you don't. The emporer is twisting your mind. He made you slaughter all the younglings. He made you force-choke Padmé."

I drop the saber to my side and focus my eyes on Obi-Wan. "How do you know it was the emporer?"

"Because Anakin would never do that."

A gust of air, heated by the lava, blows up and over us, and the ends of our robes flap in unison.

"Please, Anakin, come back to the light. Come back to us."

I turn my head to the lightsaber in my gloved hand. "I don't know how." I say, trying to blink away the tears that form in the corners of my eyes.

Obi-Wan steps closer. "It's ok."

I lift my head to weakly smile at him. "I'm sorry, Master." I say, turning off my saber.

"I know." says Obi-Wan, as he puts his hand on my shoulder and guides me up the bank. "Let's go."


We walk back to our spaceships with Obi-Wan leading the way. About twenty metres away, I sense somebody else with Padmé. A second before I hear the screams, I see flashes of white-blue electricity dancing evilly around the place where the spaceships are. I jump into a run and sprint round the corner.

Padmé is being held three metres in the air, screaming, as the lightning electrifies her. I snap my head to the side and see that the lightning is directly connected to Emporer Palpatine's fingers, as he yells "Where is he?!" at Padmé.

With Obi-Wan at my side, I run to catch Padmé, as Obi-Wan runs straight at Palpatine, to stop the lightning coursing through the air towards her.

"Ani—" she says, reaching her hands out to me.

"Obi-Wan!" I yell, getting out my lightsaber and throwing it towards him. He catches it and turns his and mine on, crossing the blades to make a shortcut for the lightning.

I flick my eyes from Padmé to Obi-Wan and Palpatine. As if it was in slow motion, all the lightning suddenly diverts to the crossed blue sabers, and Padmé, no longer being held in the air by the vicious electric fingers, falls.
My heart leaps into my mouth for the few seconds she falls, and then she lands, safely, in my arms. I crouch down and lift her torso to my chest.
I place my left hand behind her head and whisper "I'm sorry.."

I lay her on the ground, and then rush to Obi-Wan's side.

I use the force to get my lightsaber back, and we stand next to each other, catching the force lightning in our blue blades.

"Ah, there he is, my loyal apprentice, Darth Vader." The emporer says, his eyes glowing orange from under his hood.

"You are not my master," I yell. "And my name is Anakin Skywalker,"

"You don't know what you are up against," says the Emporer.

"No. You don't know what you are up against." says Obi-Wan.

Palpatine concentrates on his lightning, and I nudge Obi-Wan to draw in his saber. He does, and I take all of the force lightning in my blade. I glance down at the handle, small sparks are beginning to fly nearer and nearer the handle.
"You can't do this all on your own," laughs the Emporer.

My eyes suddenly burn and cool in a matter of seconds.

"You see?" He says, smiling and showibg his cracked teeth. "You are failing, like you failed the Jedi Order,"

"I never failed them!" I cry, glaring at him and flicking my eyes towards Obi-Wan moving slowly towards the Emporer.

Palpatine looks to the left for a second, and sees Obi-Wan, then he laughs cruelly, and directs both his hands, white with the lightning, towards him.

Obi-Wan lets out a cry, falling to the ground as the white fingers of destruction curl around his fallen body, charring his robes.

My lightsaber now free of the lightning, I scream "Master!" and sprint to his side, trying to ignore the hot lines of electricity that strike my body.

Palpatine uses the force to lift me up into the air, now both his hands directed on me.

"You have truly failed now," Emporer Palpatine says, smiling at me.

"Not- yet!" I say, feeling the hotness deep in my lungs. I grip my lightsaber's hilt and say, "You can't keep this up forever," then I gasp for air that isn't fired with the electricity.

I don't know how long he keeps me suspended, but I feel his forces lightning beginning to waver, and the seething air become slightly more oxygenated.

"You see? I can keep this up forever!" The Emporer screams, the hidious smile still on his face. "You will never stop me! Nev—" His words are cut short and the force keeping me in the air ceases to exist, and I fall to the ground, landing in a smokey, burned heap.
Before I shut my eyes, I see a light blue blade sticking through the Emporer's chest.

"Anakin, Anakin? Can you hear me?" Obi-Wan's concerned voice cuts through the calming, silent blackness of unconsciousness. I open my eyes slightly, and see that he crouches next to me. My vision is darker than usual, and keeps flickering.

"Yes.." I weakly croak, trying to lift myself off the rocky ground. "Thank you, Master,"

"No, Anakin, thank you," Obi-Wan smiles, helping me get up.

"Ani?" another voice calls out, and my eyes slowly focus on the figure ahead of us. "Obi-Wan! Thank goodness you are alright,"

"Padmé?" I say quietly, as she comes towards us.

"Oh, Anakin!" She says, wrapping her arms around me. "Your eyes.. are you ok?"

I open my mouth to respond, but Obi-Wan steps in, saving my scorched vocal chords. "He will be alright. Your eyes will settle in a few hours. For now, lets go back to Coruscant."

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