Battle of Mustafar 04/06🔥

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Anakin pov (minor gore warning)

SMASH!! I hit the gravel bank and roll sideways down it. I scream in pain as the sharp shards of stone dig into the open wounds. Having let go of my lightsaber, I try to keep a hold on the ground, but it's difficult, and everything hurts. I shut my eyes, hard, and open them. All I can see is dusted in a haze of red. It's too late now, the logical part of my head says. It's not, the emotional part responds.

"Master..." I say. "Save me," I reach out my right hand for a second, but suddenly slide backwards, so I clamp it back down. I try and lift my head to look at him, and I can see him trying to hide the emotions that are clearly there.

"Master!" I plead, tears overflowing from my eyes. He's not going to help you. "Please..." I let out a sob and lower my head.

I can feel the pebbles under my fingers shift slightly and I look back up, shaking hard. Obi-Wan grips my wrist and I hold on to his.

"I'm sorry..." I mutter. "It may be too late already..."

He pulls me up, laying me on his lap, putting his hand on my cheek. "You're going to be okay,"

The odd feeling of heat in my eyes pushes out more tears, which make the grazes on my cheeks sting.

"I've got you now," I can hear the now freed emotion in Obi-Wan's voice.

"I'm sorry... I.. I didn't know," I still don't look at him.

"Shhh, it's okay," he murmurs, flattening my hair.

"It's my fault," I sniff. "All of this, it's m—"

Obi-Wan cuts me off. "No, it's not your fault.. shh, shhh,"

The tears keep coming; I can't stop them.. Obi-Wan adjusts his arms, then he scoops me into him and stands up. I wince, gritting my teeth as nothing supports my back.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan says quietly. "Let me see your eyes."

I give a small shake of my head. I can't let him.

"I don't care if they aren't blue, alright?"

I give in and glance up at him. "I'm.. I'm a— a sith."

"Just because your eyes are yellow, it doesn't mean you're a sith, it's what you feel inside." Obi-Wan holds my gaze for a few seconds longer.

I lower my head.

"You're not a sith, Anakin." He says sternly.

"But—" I protest.

"No, you're not.."

Tears escape my aching eyes. "I am. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have force-choked Padmé... I wouldn't have fought you. We would both be with Padmé, and—"

"Shhh... you're going to be alright." I just give in, exhausted from our duel. "Just try to go to sleep..." I lean my head on his shoulder, feeling the thudding of his heartbeat, taking a shaky deep breath.


I snap open my eyes. There's something covering my nose and mouth. What is it? I try to pull up my hand, only to realise that it is attached to the bed. The thing on my face is almost choking... it's hard to breathe... What is it? There's a dull pain in my chest. I try to inhale more air. But I hardly can. My shoulders automatically tense up. I open my mouth to scream.

"Hey, shhh.." I flinch as Obi-Wan takes my face in his hands, still struggling to breathe. "It's alright," I look up at him, trembling. "It's just an oxygen mask, I'll take it off."

His hands go round to the back of my hand, and I can feel him feel him getting hold of the strap and pulling it back over my head. I still don't move when he takes it off. I just inhale the disinfected air of the medcentre.

"It's okay now." Obi-Wan puts his hand on my right shoulder. "Just relax,"

I force myself to take a deep breath.

"That's it, lay down."

"My.. my wrists..." I mutter. "I can't move them,"

"Alright, hold on." He finds a button on the side of the bed and pushes it to make the bands around my wrists go into the bed frame.

I sink down onto the matress and turn over to my left. Obi-Wan puts his left hand on my shoulder again. A few moments later, I lift up my right hand onto his. I can feel his eyes on mine.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan says. "Look at me,"

I push my head deeper into the pillow, my eyes still stinging, still yellow.


"I'm not a Jedi anymore." I let go of his hand.

"Don't say that."

"But I'm not." I respond, still not looking at him.

"Anakin, please just—"

"No, Obi-Wan. Would a Jedi do any of the things that I have done?" I pause. "Jedi's do not have eyes like this." I finally look at him, a hurt frown on my face.

Obi-Wan moves his hand and makes mine reconnect with his.

"And I don't know where Padmé is." I finish slowly.

"Padmé's here aswell, alright?"

"I don't.. want her to see me like this." I can feel tears forming in my eyes, and I blink them away. "She'll think I'm a monster,"

"No, she won't." Obi-Wan links his fingers with mine. "Padmé would never think that,"

I stare at our interlinked fingers.

"I'm sorry.." my voice wavers slightly. "I should have never trusted Palpatine,"

"You don't have to be sorry."

"But I am. I really am." I look at him again. "This whole mess is because of me, it's all my fault."

"It's not, it's not your fault." Obi-Wan says.

Tears start to fall down my cheeks. "It is,"

"Listen to me, Anakin." he says firmly. "None of this is your fault, ok? Not order 66, not the younglings, not our duel, not even this.."

I sniff but don't say anything, tears still running down my face. Obi-Wan lets go of my right hand. "Don't go.."

"I'm not going. I would never leave you like this." Obi-Wan says softly, placing his hand on my forearm.


"W-What do you want from me?"
"I want you."


A scream tears from my throat, and I sit bolt upright. I want to use you. Tears stream down my cheeks, and I scramble backwards, until I hit the wall. I pull up my knees and try to slow my breathing. In, out.. in.. out. In.. out, in, out. I can't do it, I can't rid the feeling of the dream. My hands dig into the mattress, trying to hold on to something. My breaths turn into quick gasps and the tears are hot, the almost sting...

The door handle turns slowly, and I turn my head towards it. Obi-Wan comes in and shuts it behind him. "It was just a dream.."

I try and inch closer to him, but the lingering sense of fear stops me.

"It's over." He puts his arms around me and gently pulls, so I relax into him. But the tears keep coming. "It's over,"

"I- it.. it was Palpatine," I stutter quietly.

"Shhh, he's not here.."

"I'm sorry.. I keep doing th—"

"You have nothing to be sorry about,"


"Shh, shhh, it's okay, I promise," Obi-Wan murmurs. "You're safe, I'm right here,"

Oh the feels, I apologise. Cover art by me, they are anthro ponies.

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