Part 15

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Ellie's POV:

I was sitting on the plane knowing that what I did was right, but I couldn't stand to see Vinnie anymore. The pain he caused me even though I broke us up it just hurt, Nai also told me how she felt about Vinnie and I didn't wanna hold her down. She was going to tell him about her feelings tomorrow or the next day, I didn't expect Vinnie to come chase me down. It of course didn't make me wanna leave, but I had to do this for myself and for Vinnie. He didn't know it but he hated me as well, he just didn't wanna admit it to himself. 

After The Plane

Sammy was waiting to pick me up at the airport so I was looking around for her. 

"Ellie!" She screamed before running up to me and hugging me.

"I missed you so much" I said hugging her even tighter and she smiled.

"okay so you have to fill me in on everything" she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"of course, I'll start in the car"

we arrived at the car and I put my suitcases in the back and sat in the passenger seat.

"okay start" and I rolled my eyes before filling her in on everything, when I was done I looked over at her and her mouth was open.

"no way" 

"about which part?" I asked laughing a little.

"all of it, and you said you didn't wanna go!" she poked my shoulder and I sighed. "why didn't you wanna go again?"

"because I was going to LA with my best friends brother for a month, and I left without telling anyone except for Nai"

"Nai's the one who likes Vin?" and I nodded, "you're not mad that shes taking him?" I shook my head.

"I'd be mad if Vinnie hurt her, shes so carefree and happy so if he ruined that I would be pissed."

"you matured" she pulled into her parents driveway and we got out of the car.

"I wonder what my house looks like" I asked while shaking my head.

"we can go check?"

"I guess"  I shrugged and we drove to my house. Once we arrived I walked around it to make sure everything was fine, "looks good, hey look I've got an idea" and she faced me.


"what if I sold this place, you moved out of your parents place and go somewhere else. I know what its like out of this town and its so much fun, please?" I asked and she smiled before hugging me.

"yes of course, I wanted to visit you sooo bad but I was scared that I would've ruined something" she said laughing.

"please, everything there is already ruined. We gotta get this play in order to sell" I said jumping a little.

Two Months Later

Everything's been good, I was so lucky that the house sold right after we put it up. Sam's parents were totally up for letting her move out since Vinnie left when he was young. we decided to move to New York and we don't regret it at all, we got a small two bedroom apartment and are pretty good friends with a few other people. Vinnie and Nai decided to get together but haven't announced it to the fans.

"hey!" sam said as she walked into the small cafe that was below our apartment, she put her umbrella down before sitting with me. "its really pouring out there" she said glancing out the windows, "when's everyone else meeting up with us?".

"should be now" I said looking at the clock and then facing her again.

"you may hate me for this..."


"I invited Vinnie, well Vinnie invited himself to come and visit us" and I sighed, I hadn't talked to Vinnie at all. It didn't hurt seeing him with Nai, there were just days where I would really miss him. Just then the cafe bell above the door rang and the others in our small group joined us, they waved before sitting down.

"whats with the long faces?" sofia asked and I stared at sam as she awkwardly rubbed her arm.

"Sammy invited her brother to visit us, whens he even coming?" just then the door opened and I gasped.

"you bitch" I whispered.

A N Y W A Y S WE HIT 1.3K?!
I couldn't be happierrrrr
all the support is nuts, thank u all.
hope u all stayed safe and happy!
might even give a double chapter (I could give up tho)


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